Starbucks Donations 令人驚奇 查看;Starbucks Cafe 八佰伴影城店;新世界店;波特曼店;嘉裡中心店;Starbucks Coffee 星巴克;星巴克咖啡;三峽廣場店;東方店;Starbucks Donations 令人驚奇 查看;Starbucks Cappuccino 星巴克卡布奇諾;
1.Starbucks Coffee Liqueur's glass bottle is shaped as a cocktail shaker to extend Starbucks' brand equity to after-dinner cocktails, winning the Glass Packaging Institute's Clear Choice Award. 星巴克咖啡酒的玻璃瓶的形狀作為雞尾酒振動篩延長星巴克品牌資產,以餐後雞尾酒,贏得了玻璃包裝研究所的明智選擇獎。
2.The Starbucks Card is handier than cash, as there's no more searching for change when you pop in for your latte, muffin or bag of whole bean. 星巴克卡比使用現金更方便,因為當你想購買鮮奶咖啡、鬆餅或袋裝咖啡豆時,無須再尋找零錢。
3.A spokesperson from Starbucks said its Dark Berry Mocha Frappuccino was only one "of over 87000 beverage variations". 星巴克的一名發言人表示,黑莓摩卡星冰樂只是星巴克87000種不同飲料中的一種。
4.As icons of consumer excess like Starbucks and Neiman Marcus stumble , purveyors of frugality like Burger King and Wal-Mart prosper. 當諸如星巴克和內曼·馬庫斯之類消費者過度推崇的品牌開始走下坡路時,節儉的飲食供應商如漢堡王和沃爾瑪開始興盛。
5.By comparison, a cup of Starbucks brewed coffee contains 330 milligrams in 473 milliliters. 相比較,一杯星巴克的咖啡中每473毫升含有330毫克咖啡因。