





Chinesen. 中文,漢語;中國人adj. 中國的,中國人的;中國話的


Chinese 漢語;語文;中文;華人;Chinese Wall 中國牆;長城;中國牆---指投資銀行部與銷售部或交易人員之間的隔離,以防範敏感消息外洩,從而構成內幕交易;信息長城;Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是「中國龍」);腆磷;麒麟(不是「中國龍」);中國龍;Chinese Literature 中國文學;中國語言文學;中華文學;華文文學;Chinese Name 中文名;中文名稱;中文姓名;中文名稱 :;


1.How about the Chinese food? Which one do you like? 你覺得中國的食物怎麼樣?你最喜歡哪種?

2.More and more foreigners learn Chinese is because of Chinese embroidery. 越來越多外國人學習華語是因為中國的刺繡。

3.This expression took the form of Chinese philosophy, literature, and art. 這種表達採取了中國的哲學、文學、藝術的形式。


This is beautiful! Chinese calligraphy. What do these characters mean? - 好漂亮!是中國書法!這上面寫的是什麼意思?

I like Chinese food very much and I think Chinese cooking is the best in the world. - 我非常喜歡中國飯菜,並且我認為中國的烹飪是世界上最好的。

Our company has had a big business in Chinese arts and crafts. - 我們公司經營大宗中國工藝品。

Sure. We are thinking of a joint venture with you in selling Chinese arts. - 當然。我們正在考慮和你們公司合資經營一起賣中國工藝品。

OK. Sit down, please. What would you like, Chinese tea or coffee? - 好的,請坐。你想喝點什麼,中國茶還是咖啡?

Thank you. I'd very much like to have a cup of Chinese tea. - 我想來杯中國茶,謝謝你。

We'll sign two originals, each in the Chinese and English language. - 我們將要用中文和英文分別簽署兩份原件。

Besides Chinese New Year, what are the other festivals according to the Lunar Calendar? - 農曆新年以外還有什麼節日?

Let's go out for Chinese food. - 咱們去吃中國餐吧。

I'm taking Chinese and History. - 我將選中文和歷史。

I think that all Chinese word hard and cherish their famillies. - 我認為所有的中國人都工作勤奮而且十分關心家人。

How will you celebrate Chinese New Year? - 你們是如何慶祝春節的?

While the Chinese rely on chopsticks, westerners prefer to use a knife and fork to eat with. - 用餐時,中國人喜歡用筷子,而西方人喜歡用刀叉。

The topic of sex if somewhat taboo in Chinese daily conversation. - 性在中國的日常談話當中是禁忌話題。

The college runs summer courses for Chinese learneers of English. - 這所學院為學習英語的中國人開設了暑期班。

For Chopsticks In Chinese is pronounced KuaiZi, which sounds like soon to get a son. - 因為筷子在漢語中讀作「Kuaizi」,聽起來很像「快得兒子」。

Some Japanese words are of Chinese origin. - 有些日本文字是起源於中文的。

It is generally believed that Chinese are poor public speakers. - 一般認為中國人不擅長公眾演講。

The Chinese commonly work hard. - 一般中國人很勤勞。

Because such constructive employment practices will greatly promote a better understanding of both American and Chinese cultures. - 因為這個具有建設性的僱傭體系將會有力地推進對中美雙方文化的更好瞭解。

I hope you will be able to do a good business with the Chinese as well as customers of other countries. - 我希望你們能夠和包括中國在內的各國客戶做成交易。

She will be happy to speak in French or Chinese to any of you. - 她會很高興與你們中的某個人講法語或中文。

We are thinking of expanding into the Chinese market. - 我們想把生意擴大到中國市場。

We'll sign two originals, each in Chinese and English language. - 我們將要用中文和英語分別簽署兩份原件。

Here are you Chinese Yuan for $ 1000. And your passport and exchange memo. - 這是您1000美元所換的人民幣。給您護照和兌換清單。

We're afraid that your product's quality won't satisfy Chinese customers. - 恐怕你們的產品質量無法使中國顧客滿意。

We are delighted to know that you deal with export of Chinese chinaware. Could you supply us 300 sets of tableware for shipment before the end of May? - 欣悉你方是中國瓷器出口商。能否給我方供應300套餐具,五月底前交貨。

We want to purchase Chinese tea. Please send us your best offer by fax indicating origin packing, quantity available and the earliest time of shipment. - 我們欲購中國茶。請用電傳給我們報最好價,並說明產地、包裝、可供數量及最早發貨日期。

The prerequisite for Chinese Lit is Freshman Lit and Comp. - 若要從事中國文學,必須在一年級修文學與作文。

Do you ever learn Chinese during the holidays? - 你曾經在假日期間學中文嗎?

He speaks Chinese every day. - 他每天都講漢語。

No matter where you go you'll hear Chinese spoken. - 不管你到哪裡,你總會聽到中國話。

We are thinking of expanding into the Chinese market. - 我們想把生意擴大到中國市場。

We'll sign two originals, each in Chinese and English language. - 我們將要用中文和英語分別簽署兩份原件。

The news that NATO bombed the China Embassy in Yugoslavia offended all Chinese people. - 北約轟炸中國南斯拉夫大使館的消息激怒了每一個中國人,

Your Chinese is really surprising. - 你的中文令人驚訝。

Yes. It's a Chinese car. - 對,那是輛中國產的小汽車。

I have a cat. Its name is Mimi. It's a Chinese cat. Oh, where is it? Can you find it? - 我有一隻小貓,名字叫Mimi,是一隻中國貓。噢,它在哪兒呢?你能找到嗎?

All the other boys are Chinese. All of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers. - 其餘的男孩都是中國人。所有的中國學生都是少先隊員。

The Chinese people are very friendly. - 中國人很友好。

They teach us Chinese and we teach them English. Please write soon! - 他們教我們漢語,我們教他們英語。請趕快回信。

A little. I go to Chinese classes every week. - 一點點,我每週去漢語班上課。

Yes, I do. I like it a lot. The Chinese people are very friendly. - 是的,我非常喜歡,中國人非常友好。

He goes to Chinese classes every week. - 他每週都要去上漢語課。

He says the Chinese people are very friendly. - 他說中國人都很熱情。

There are many Chinese take-aways in English and in the USA and in Australia,too. - 在英國與美國有很多中式方便食品--在澳大利亞也有。

Oh no!I'd like Chinese tea with nothing in it,please. - 不了!我愛喝什麼也不加的中國茶。

I think Chinese is more popular than any other subject. - 我想語文比其他任何科目都更受歡迎。

I'm afraid that he'll forget it if he misses so many lessons. He may even fail his Chinese exam. - 如果他再缺這麼多課,恐怕他會忘記很多的。他的漢語考試甚至會不及格。

I think that maybe his Chinese teacher will give Jim some work to do during the holiday. - 我想吉姆的漢語老師也許會給他佈置一些假期作業。


doctor of traditional chinese medicine; physician of tcm; traditional Chinese medicine - 中醫

hospital of traditional chinese medicine - 中醫醫院

etiologh of traditional Chinese medicine - 中醫發病學

college of traditional chinese medicine - 中醫學院

institute of traditional chinese medicine - 中醫研究所

academy of traditional chinese medicine - 中醫研究院

department of traditional chinese medicine - 中醫科

chinese association; cma - 中華醫學會

chinese medical journal - 中華醫學雜誌

chinese nursing association - 中華護理學會

chinese peoples liberation army general hocpital - 中國人民解放軍總醫院

chinese hamster cells - 中國倉鼠細胞

chinese acakemy of medical sciences - 中國醫學科學院

chinese medical team - 中國醫療隊

the cultural treasury of Chinese pharmaceutics - 中國醫藥文化寶庫

academia sinica as; chinese acaidemy of sciences - 中國科學院

chinese pharmaceutical association - 中國藥學會

chinese wax - 中國蠟

dictionary of chinese pharmacy - 中國遙學大辭典

an outine of chinese acupuncture and moxibustion - 中國針灸學概要

chinese restaurant sundrome - 中國餐館綜和症

Chinese patent medicine industry - 中成藥製藥業

chinese herbal medicine - 中草藥

pictorial handbook of chinese medicinal herbs - 中草藥圖鑒

induction of labor by chinese herbs - 中藥引產

traditional chinese medicinal materials - 中藥材

treatment by chinese herbs - 中藥治療

institute of chinese materia medica - 中藥研究所

enrich the content s of chinese patent medicine - 豐富了中成藥的內容

chinese gallotannin; gallotanin - 五倍子鞣質

arborvitae tops; biota tops; leafy twigs of Chinese arborvitae - 側柏葉

fruit of Chinese Azalea - 八厘麻

chinese anise; chinese anisetree; fructus anisi stellati; illicium verum; star anise fruit - 八角茴香

anise star oil; chinese anise oil; oleum illicii; star anise oil - 八角茴香油

benincasa seed; chinese waxgourd seed; seed of chinese waxgourd - 冬瓜子

Chinese lobelia; herb of chinese lobelia; lobelia chinensis; lobeliae radicantis; radical iobelia - 半邊蓮

fruit of chinese honeylocust - 大皂角

chinese anisetree - 大茴香

chinese era; the heavenly stems and earthly branches - 天干地支

chinese clematis; clematis root; radix clematidis - 威靈仙

chinese cantsarides; mylabris - 斑蝥

treatment of new Chinese medicine - 新中醫療法

Chinese rose flower - 月季花

take traditonal Chinese medicines - 服中藥

chinese materia medica; herbal medicine - 本草書

chinese torreya seed - 榧子

bud of Chinese scholartree; pagodatree flowerbud; sophora flower-bud - 槐米

Chinese hemop - 漢麻

chinese colza - 油菜子

chinese honeylocust spine; spine of chinese honeylocust - 皂角刺


n.中醫研究院 - academy of traditional chinese medicine

n.中國針灸學概要 - an outine of chinese acupuncture and moxibustion

n.肉極 - bark of chinese cassia tree

n.槐米 - bud of Chinese scholartree

n.中醫學院 - college of traditional chinese medicine

n.中醫科 - department of traditional chinese medicine

n.中國遙學大辭典 - dictionary of chinese pharmacy

n.中醫 - doctor of traditional chinese medicine

n.豐富了中成藥的內容 - enrich the content s of chinese patent medicine

n.中醫發病學 - etiologh of traditional Chinese medicine

n.金蓮花 - flower of Chinese globeflower

n.八厘麻 - fruit of Chinese Azalea

n.大皂角 - fruit of chinese honeylocust

n.半邊蓮 - herb of chinese lobelia

n.中醫醫院 - hospital of traditional chinese medicine

n.中藥引產 - induction of labor by chinese herbs

n.中藥研究所 - institute of chinese materia medica

n.中醫研究所 - institute of traditional chinese medicine

和漢藥 - Japanese and Chinese drug

n.側柏葉 - leafy twigs of Chinese arborvitae

藥膳 - meal mixed with Chinese medicine

n.中草藥圖鑒 - pictorial handbook of chinese medicinal herbs

n.冬瓜子 - seed of chinese waxgourd

n.皂角刺 - spine of chinese honeylocust

n.服中藥 - take traditonal Chinese medicines

n.中國醫藥文化寶庫 - the cultural treasury of Chinese pharmaceutics

n.這種麻醉劑是漢麻制的 - The narcotic was made from Chinese hemp

傳流的中藥學 - traditional chinese medical science

n.中藥材 - traditional chinese medicinal materials

n.中醫 - traditional Chinese medicine

n.中藥治療 - treatment by chinese herbs

n.新中醫療法 - treatment of new Chinese medicine


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