codling['kɔdliŋ]n. 未熟的小蘋果;幼鱈
codling 幼鱈;未熟的小蘋果, 幼鱈;未熟的小蘋果;未熟蘋果;codling moth 蘋果卷葉蛾;蘋果蠹蛾;蘋果捲葉蛾;false codling moth 偽蘋果卷葉蛾;
1.Therefore, these methods deserve to be extensively applied in quarantine and control of codling moth in China. 因此,這些結果為蘋果蠹蛾的內外檢疫和和田間控制提供了重要的參考。
2.The comparison of the two effects of trapping in apple garden and pear garden manifests that codling truth prefers to eat apple and oriental fruit troth prefers to eat pear. 通過蘋果園和香梨園誘蛾效果比較,表明蘋果蠹蛾更偏食蘋果,梨小食心蟲更偏食香梨。
3.In recent years, the codling moth Laspeyresia pomonella (L. ) has spread from the Hexi Corridor to inland apple production areas of China, and the pest situation is serious. 蘋果蠹蛾近年來正從甘肅河西走廊向內地蔓延,形勢十分嚴峻。