





n. cat's-paw ,instrumental role ,legal document ,toolv. instrumentate


instrument['instrumənt, 'instrə-, -ment]n. 儀器;工具;樂器;手段;器械


Instrument 樂器;工具、文據;工具,器械;儀器儀表;financial instrument 金融票據;金融工具;經融證券;融工具;instrument room 儀器室;儀器室:;儀表室;樂器室 -;negotiable instrument 可轉讓票據;流通工具;淨資產;可流通/轉讓票據;TEXAS INSTRUMENT 德州儀器;德州儀器;美國德州儀器;德州儀器 美國公司;


1.He originated a new instrument. 他發明了一種新儀器。

2.To play chords on an instrument. 在一件樂器上演奏''。'和弦'。''。

3.An instrument made by an old master can now be copied in every detail—except for the sound. 一把由年老的大師製造的樂器現在可以被複製到每一個細節,除了聲音以外。


Circumstances are therulers of the weak, instrument of the wise. - 弱者困於環境,智者利用環境。

The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. - 是我祖父在很多年以前買的。

The ideal to be aimed at was to devise an instrument that could record with a pen on paper, - 當地震發生時,它能用筆在紙上記錄下

When the instrument is situated at more than 700 miles from the earthquake centre, - 如果把這種儀器安裝在距震源700多英里遠的地方,


instrument table with three sliding doors - 三開門式器械桌

instrument analysis; instrumental analysis - 儀器分析

apparatus constant; instrument constant - 儀器常數

instrument effect - 儀器效應

instrument indication - 儀器顯示

instrument board - 儀器板

instrument error; instrumental error - 儀器誤差

instrument panel - 儀器面板

instrument for wax pattern preparation - 製作蠟型器械

suture instrument and material - 醫用縫合器材

adjustable instrument table - 可調式器械桌

instrument table - 器械桌

instrument cabinet - 器械櫥

major operating instrument set - 大型外科器械包

hand surgery instrument set - 手外科器械包

operating instrument set - 手術器械包

n. electrical breakdown voltage instrument for measuring thicknese - 測厚斷電壓裝置

n. electrical capacitance instrument for measuring thickness - 測厚電容器

n. eddy-current instrument for measuring thickness - 渦流式測厚儀

n. eddy-current instrument for measuring thickness - 渦流測厚儀器

ophthalmic koperating instrument kit - 眼科手術器械包

ophthalmic microsurgery instrument kit - 眼科顯微手術器械包

lumbar puncture instrument kit - 腰椎穿刺器械包

identifcation of instrument causing trauma - 致傷物認定

retinodialysis operation instrument set - 視網膜剝離手術器械包

diagnostic instrument case - 診察器械箱

sharp instrument injury - 銳器傷


n.針刺工具 - acupuncture instrument

n.可調式器械桌 - adjustable instrument table

n.大氣監測儀 - air monitoring instrument

n.大氣監測儀 - atmospheric monitoring instrument

n.抽血裝置 - bloodletting instrument

n.血管縫合器 - blood vessel suture instrument

鈍器 - blunt instrument

n.心血管外科器械 - cardiovascular surgical instrument

齒科用具 - dental instrument

n.診察器械箱 - diagnostic instrument case

n.電動骨鋼絲牽引器 - electric wire traction instrument

n.膽道沖洗器 - gall duct irrigating instrument

n.胃腸縫合器 - gastrointestinal suturing instrument

n.手外科器械包 - hand surgery instrument set

n.致傷物認定 - identifcation of instrument causing trauma

n.儀器互換性 - interconvertibility of instrument

n.藥水檢驗儀 - liquid medicine inspecting instrument

n.腰椎穿刺器械包 - lumbar puncture instrument kit

n.大型外科器械包 - major operating instrument set

n.醫用光學儀器 - medical optical instrument

n.醫用縫合器 - medical suturing instrument

n.監測儀器 - monitoring instrument

n.運動殘象測定儀 - movement afterimage measuring instrument

n.多柱儀器 - multicolumn instrument

n.多性能儀器 - multipurpose instrument

n.針具 - needling instrument

n.手術器械包 - operating instrument set

n.眼科手術器械包 - ophthalmic koperating instrument kit

n.眼科顯微手術器械包 - ophthalmic microsurgery instrument kit

n.生理儀 - physiologic instrument

塑料填充器,成形填充器 - plastic filling instrument

n.成形質充填器 - plastic instrument

研磨器具 - polishing instrument

n.精密儀器 - precision instrument

n.記錄儀器 - recording instrument

n.視網膜剝離手術器械包 - retinodialysis operation instrument set

n.自動記錄儀器 - self-recording instrument

n.自動記錄儀 - self-registering instrument

銳器 - sharp instrument

n.銳器傷 - sharp instrument injury

n.廣用檢測儀 - socially acceptable monitoring instrument

n.立體定位儀 - stereotaxic instrument

外科器械,手術器械 - surgical instrument

檢查裝置,測量工具 - survey instrument

n.醫用縫合器材 - suture instrument and material

n.輔助儀器 - supplementary instrument

n.栓劑調製器 - suppository instrument

n.連續式電子自動平衡儀 - sweies electronic self-balancing instrument

治療儀 - therapeutic instrument

n.毒性出言示儀 - universal stimulus display instrument


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