





involvingv. 涉及;包括;使陷於(involve的ing形式)


involving 包括;包括,使...陷於;介入;涉及;syndrome involving shaoyang channel 少陽經證;釋義:少陽經證;matter involving penal proceeding 涉及刑事事件;upper diseases involving lower 釋義:上損及下;fracture involving the pulp 釋義:牙折露髓;


1.One of the most important reactions involving chloroanilines is binding of soil components. 與氯苯胺有關的最重要的反應之一是土壤成分的結合。

2.Employers will want you to interpret information involving numbers, carry out calculations, interpret results and present findings. 僱主將希望你能說明包含數字的信息,進行運算,解釋計算結果,呈現發現。

3.Then the article analyses the design methods of server in C/S pattern, involving the arithmetic design and process structure of different server. 接著文章分析了c/s通信中服務器的設計方法(包括不同類型服務器的算法設計、進程結構等)。


It was a gradual process, involving many factors. - 這是個漸進的過程,涉及到方方面面。

She never had the silghtest intention of involving herself with hem. - 她壓根就不想要跟他有什麼關係。


disease involving all three yang channels - 三陽合病

diabetes involving the upper-jiao - 上消

diabetes involving the lower-jiao; diabetes of the kidn1ey type; lower emaciation - 下消

diabetes incolving middle jiao; diabetes involving middle jiao - 中消

apoplexy involving the channels - 中經

apoplexy involving the channels and ollaterals; zpoplesxy involving the channels and collaterals - 中經絡

apoplexy involving the collaterals; apoplexy involving tjhe collaterals - 中絡

apoplexy involving the solid organs; apoplexyinvolving the solid organs - 中髒

apoplexy involving the hollow organs; applexy involving the hollow organs - 中腑

syndrome involving taiyang channel - 太陽經症

smallpox involving the eyes - 痘疹入眼

liver malnutrition in infant; malnutrition involving the liver - 肝疳

characterized by polyuria; diabetes involving the kidney; diabetes of the kidney type - 腎消

diabetes involving middle-jiao - 胃消

diabetes characterized by polyphagia; diabetes involving middle-jiao; diabetes involving the spleen; diabetes with the spleen involved - 脾消

disease involving both exterior and interior - 表裡同病

trauma involving the intra-uterine fetus - 跌仆傷胎

rheumatism involiving the bone; rheumatism involving the bone - 骨痺


n.中經 - apoplexy involving the channels

n.中經絡 - apoplexy involving the channels and ollaterals

n.中絡 - apoplexy involving the collaterals

n.中腑 - apoplexy involving the hollow organs

n.中髒 - apoplexy involving the solid organs

n.中絡 - apoplexy involving tjhe collaterals

n.中腑 - applexy involving the hollow organs

n.中消 - diabetes involving middle jiao

n.脾消,胃消 - diabetes involving middle-jiao

n.腎消 - diabetes involving the kidney

n.下消 - diabetes involving the lower-jiao

n.脾消 - diabetes involving the spleen

n.上消 - diabetes involving the upper-jiao

n.三陽合病 - disease involving all three yang channels

n.表裡同病 - disease involving both exterior and interior

n.三陽合病 - isease involving all three yang channels

n.肝疳 - malnutrition involving the liver

n.骨痺 - rheumatism involving the bone

n.痘疹入眼 - smallpox involving the eyes

n.太陽經症 - syndrome involving taiyang channel

n.跌仆傷胎 - trauma involving the intra-uterine fetus

n.中經絡 - zpoplesxy involving the channels and collaterals

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