





self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;amour-propre pride self-esteem self-importance self-pride self-respect self-worth 自尊;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;


1.Psychological self, social self, self-criticism, family-self and self-satisfaction can predict mental health problems. 心理自我、社會自我、自我批評、家庭自我、自我滿意對心理健康問題有顯著的預測作用。

2.That would deal with the relationship between personality and self, subjective self and objective self, big self and small self. 這涉及到人格與自我,主我與客我,大我與小我。

3.The self-care obstruction is divided into three grades: complete inability to self-care, most inability to self-care and partial inability to self-care. 生活自理障礙分為三個等級:生活完全不能自理、生活大部分不能自理和生活部分不能自理。

4.Believe that you must seek self-awareness, self-approval and self-commitment in order to attain self-fulfillment. 確信要達成目標必須具備對自我的認知、自我的確認及自我的承諾。

5.Real self becomes the hard-core concept of her self-theory for making the analysis of self-dissimilation and the discussion of self-actualization cohere with each other. 真實自我有機地連貫了霍妮對自我異化的分析和對自我實現的探討,構成了霍妮自我理論的核心基礎。


Am I making my self clerar? - 我講的清楚嗎?

To know one's self is true progress. - 能有自知之明就是真正的進步。


n. self emulsifiable penetrant - 乳化性浸透液

self life; selflife - 存放期

self life; selflife; shelf life; shelflife - 擱置壽命

n. exothermic self curing mold - 放熱自硬性鑄模

n. exothermic self curing mold - 放熱自硬砂型

n. organic self hardening mold process - 有機物自硬化模型過程

self differentiation - 本身分化

self refrigeration; selfrefrigeration - 自動冷凝

self synchronism; selfsynchronism - 自動同步

n. self emulsifiable penetrant - 自乳化滲透劑

autolesion; self inflictedwound; self-inflicted wound; selfinflictedwound - 自傷

n. self centering - 自位輪

autogamy; automixis; self fertilization; selffertilization; selfing - 自體受精

self antigen - 自體抗原

automatic depuration; self purification; selfpurification - 自淨

natural purification; self purification; selfcleaning; selfpurification - 自淨作用

self decomposition; selfdecomposition - 自分解

self recovery; selfrecovery - 自動復原

n. self operated regulating valve - 自動控制閥

self relaxation; selfrelaxation - 自動鬆弛

self relaxation; selfrelaxation - 自動舒張

self recording; selfrecording - 自動記錄的

autocontrol; self adjusting; selfadjusting - 自動調整

self lift - 自動起落器

self absorption; selfabsorption - 自吸收

self replication; selfreplication - 自複製

n. self shielded arc welding - 自屏蔽電弧焊

self inflictedwound; self-inflicted wound; selfinflictedwound - 自己造成的創傷

self inflicted; selfinflicted - 自我傷害

self hypnosis; selfhypnosis - 自我催眠

self duplication; selfduplication - 自我複製

self feeling - 自我感覺的

self reproduction; selfreproduction - 自我繁殖

self regulation; selfregulation - 自我調節

self diffusion; selfdiffusion - 自擴散

n. self rectification - 自整流

automutilation; self mutilation; selfmutilation - 自殘

self consistency; selfconsistency - 自洽

self quenching; selfquenching - 自淬滅

masturbation; self abuse; selfabuse - 自瀆

autoexcitation; self excitation; selfexcitation - 自激

self growing; selfgrowing - 自生長

self growing; selfgrowing - 自生長的

n. self hardening,self-hardening - 自硬化

n. self hardening property - 自硬化性

self assembly; selfassembly - 自組裝

self pollination; selfpollination - 自花授粉

self fission; selffission - 自裂變

self rating; selfrating - 自覺聽力衰竭率

self feeling; subjective - 自覺的


自體抗原修飾假說,自身改變假說 - altered self hypothesis

自修復能力 - capability to self restore

n.雙重自我 - double self

放射線自身損害 - radiation self damage

自護理 - stoma self care

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