stingier['stindʒi]adj.stingy1的變形adj. 吝嗇的,小氣的缺乏的,不足的,匱乏的[美國英語](帽簷)窄的n. [美國英語]窄簷帽近義詞: close , miserly , parsimonious , penurious反義詞:generous , bountiful變形: stingier , stingiest
1.With stingier unemployment benefits and a lower federal tax take, America has fewer "automatic stabilisers" than other rich countries do. 美國的失業補助和聯邦稅收都相對較低,因此,比起其他發達國家,美國財政的「自動穩定器」效果不明顯。
2.Stingier capital allowances, however, will raise the amount of profit subject to the tax, so the overall effect on companies will be neutral. 但是吝嗇的財政補助會提高必須徵稅的利潤量,那麼總體上這些政策對公司是沒有什麼效果的。
3.Students attending public colleges have also faced steep cost increases, in part because state governments have become stingier in providing support. 進入公立大學的學生也面臨學雜費急劇上漲,部分原因是州政府提供的資助太少。