composite cold storage prefab cold storage 組合式冷庫;core rope storage rope storage 磁心線存儲器;drum memory drum storage magnetic drum memory magnetic drum storage 磁鼓存儲器;composite cold storage prefab cold storage 組合式冷庫;cadmium-nickel storage battery cadmium-nickel storage cell 鎘鎳蓄電池;
1.The main influencing factors of malt quality during the storage covered storage mode, storage temperature, ambient humidity, and storage time. 在貯存過程中,影響麥芽質量的環境條件主要是貯存方式、貯存溫度、空氣濕度、貯存時間。
2.In virtual storage system, to bring load modules or program phases from auxiliary storage into virtual storage. 在虛擬存儲系統中,將裝入模塊或程序段從輔助存儲器移到虛擬存儲器中。
3.The research results show that the storage effect of hyo-on storage is more superior to that of common storage. 實驗結果表明,冰溫儲藏香梨效果要遠遠優於普通冷庫儲藏效果。
4.TiVCr based hydrogen storage alloy was one of the attractive hydrogen storage materials with high hydrogen storage capacity and moderate conditions for absorption and desorption. 鈦釩鉻基貯氫合金貯氫量大,吸放氫條件溫和,是國內外貯氫材料研究的熱點之一。
5.To use an intermediate storage (magnetic disc) when making a data transfer between highspeed storage (usually main storage) and a device that operates at a lower speed. 當高速存儲器(通常是內存)和低速運行的(外部)設備之間進行數據傳送時,利用中間存儲器(磁盤)作緩衝(的技術或過程)。
What storage capacity do you need? - 你想要多大容量的硬盤?
information storage unit - 信息存儲器
storage dump - 信息轉儲
reserve starch; storage starch - 儲存澱粉
storage cell - 儲藏細胞
gierkes disease; glycogen storage disse; glycogenosis; glyogen storage disease; von gierkes disease - 吉爾克氏病
neutrophil storage disease - 嗜中性白細胞貯積病
cerebral glycogen storage disease - 大腦性糖原貯積病
storage capacity - 存儲容量
storage oscilloscope - 存儲示波器
storage compacting - 存儲精筒
glycogen storage disease type iii - 柯裡氏病
n. shed storage exposure test - 棚內貯存曝露試驗
n. shed storage exposure test - 棚貯藏曝露試驗
phytanic acid storage disease - 植烷酸蓄積症
n. hydrogen storage material - 氫貯存材料
storage rate of thermal energy - 熱能儲存率
n. storage of ore - 礦之貯存
n. mine storage of ore - 礦石存量
alkaline storage battery - 鹼性蓄電池
storage disease - 積貯病
lipid storage disease - 脂質積累病
accumulator; storage battery; storage cell - 蓄電池
storage battery - 蓄電池組
storage with no excretion - 藏而不瀉
n. storage instability - 貯存不穩定性
n. storage system - 貯存體系
n. storage alloy - 貯存合金
n. storage area - 貯存地面
n. storage site - 貯存址
storage polysaccharide - 貯存多糖
storage capacity - 貯存容量
storage life - 貯存壽命
storage pool - 貯存池
n. storage cavern - 貯存洞
n. storage cavity - 貯存洞穴
storage capacity - 貯存空間
n. hydrogen storage material - 貯氫材料
n. storage reservoir - 貯藏庫
storage tissue - 貯藏組織
storage cell - 貯藏細胞
storage parenchyma - 貯藏薄壁組織
ultra cold storage freezer; ultra low temperature freezer - 超低溫冰箱
ryrosine storage disease; ryrosine thesaurimosis - 酪氨酸積累症
lead storage battery - 鉛蓄電池
n.鹼性蓄電池 - alkaline storage battery
CA貯存 - CA storage
n.高速緩衝存儲 - cache storage
n.大腦性糖原貯積病 - cerebral glycogen storage disease
膽固醇脂蓄積症,膽甾醇脂蓄積症 - cholesterol ester storage disease
n.膽甾醇貯積 - cholesterol storage
n.冷藏,冷凍貯存 - cold storage
n.計算機存儲器 - computer storage
CA貯藏 - controlled atomosphere storage
n.交叉存儲 - cross storage
n.數據存儲,數據存貯 - data storage
n.能量儲存 - energy storage
n.瀉而不藏 - excretion with no storage
n.瀉而不藏 - excretion without storage
n.外存儲器 - external storage
n.儲存脂肪 - fat storage
n.固定存儲器 - fixed storage
n.食品摻假 - food storage
汽體貯藏 - gas storage
葡萄糖貯積病 - glucose storage disease
糖原貯積病 - glycogen storage disease
1型糖原貯積病 - glycogen storage disease type 1
n.柯裡氏病 - glycogen storage disease type iii
n.吉爾克氏病 - glycogen storage disse
n.吉爾克氏病 - glyogen storage disease
n.熱蓄積 - heat storage
n.全息照相存儲器 - holographic storage
冰藏 - icing storage
n.信息存儲器 - information storage unit
n.內存儲器 - internal storage
鐵沉積症 - iron storage disease
n.鉛蓄電池 - lead storage battery
n.脂質積累病 - lipid storage disease
脂質貯積性肌病,貯脂性肌病 - lipid storage myopathy
n.局部存儲器 - local storage
溶酶體沉積病 - lysosomal storage disease
CA貯存 - MA storage
n.主存儲器 - main storage
修改空氣儲存量 - modified atomosphere storage
n.嗜中性白細胞貯積病 - neutrophil storage disease
n.植烷酸蓄積症 - phytanic acid storage disease
放射性廢物貯存 - radioactive waste storage
n.冷凍貯存 - refrigerated storage
n.記錄存儲器 - record storage
n.酪氨酸積累症 - ryrosine storage disease
n.食品儲存衛生要求 - sanitary requirement of food storage
n.半導體存儲器 - semiconductor storage
n.三維存儲器 - three-dimensional storage
n.組織儲藏 - tissue storage
n.超低溫冰箱 - ultra cold storage freezer