biancon. 比安科(姓氏)
Bianco 比安科;號: 白色;白的 白色的;馬天尼半干;Bianco Argento 黃金灰麻;金點白麻;Bianco Botticino 白沙米黃;Bianco Royal 皇家水晶;Bianco Tapajo 珍珠白麻;
1.Your clothes are full of memories, take care of them with Omino Bianco laundry detergent. 你的衣服都充滿了回憶,用奧米諾安科洗滌劑來照顧他們。
2.Learning of Mayor Veltroni's declarations, the bianco celeste president asks the mayor to take it as step further. « 聽書了市長維爾特羅尼的聲明之後,洛蒂托希望市長可以像他說的一樣一步一步去做。
3.And the exemption mainly affects wealthy taxpayers, who are unsure of its benefit because of a constantly changing tax code, says Howard Simons of Bianco Research. BiancoResearch公司的HowardSimons認為,免稅主要影響的是富裕的納稅人,由於稅法經常改變,他們無法確定(免稅債券的)收益。