unintermittentadj. 不間斷的,連續的
unintermittent 不間斷的;Unintermittent Hells 無間地獄;
1.Having seen that, the Buddha sent a spider to spin a thread of gossamer down to the Unintermittent Hells. 看到這裡,佛陀便派一隻蜘蛛吐一條長長的絲,垂到無間地獄去。
2.For example, do you know of the great robber Kandata, who died unrepentant and fell into the Unintermittent Hells? 舉個例子來說吧!你知道大盜甘德塔嗎?他死時未懺悔,就墮入了無間地獄;
3.Along with the unintermittent growth and its domestic application of this technique, a very good promoting role will have to be played to the meticulous pool description work in our country. 隨著該項技術的不斷發展與在國內的應用,必將對我國的精細油藏描述工作起到很好的推動作用。