broadcloth['brɔ:dklɔθ]n. 絨面呢;寬幅細毛織品
broadcloth 細毛織品;擴幅布;細平棉布;粗絨布;cotton broadcloth 闊幅棉布;wool broadcloth 全毛絨面呢;羊毛細平布;silk broadcloth 真絲綢;broadcloth blouse 闊幅棉布上衣;
1.A nice black broadcloth is what little girls wear. 小女孩該穿黑色的寬戎布料。
2.Opening Aunt Pitty's closet she removed a black broadcloth cloak, a thin fall garment which Pitty used only for Sunday wear, and put it on. 她把皮蒂姑媽的衣櫥打開,取下一件寬幅絨布的外套,一件皮蒂姑媽只在禮拜日才穿的薄薄的秋大衣,把它穿在身上。
3.She had been on the front porch and he had ridden up the long avenue, dressed in grey broadcloth with a wide black cravat setting off his frilled shirt to perfection. 那時她在前廊上,他騎馬從長長的林蔭道上走來,穿著灰色呢絨外套,一條寬寬的黑領帶襯得他那花邊襯衣更加得體。