coming-out[,kʌmiŋ'aut]n. 女子初入社交界;初入社交界
coming-out 入社交界;身份;The coming all-out act 爵士搖滾;T The coming all-out act 爵士搖滾;coming-out party 介紹性舞會;
1.The event was a coming-out party for misfits, mavericks and pioneers, as well as open-minded members of the mainstream. 本次會議是對環境不適應者、特立獨行者、先鋒、主流中思想開放者的一次交誼會。
2.AE: And I love the fact that the character is well past the typical coming-out issues that you normally see with gay television characters. 我喜歡這個角色沒有拘泥於(或完全摒棄)以往我們在電視上經常看到的典型的同志出櫃問題。
3.So does Ariza, who was lost in the moment, just like Shannon Brown, whose coming-out party was stalled with just 10 minutes and one basket. 接下來是扎扎,他在比賽中間歇性的消失,正如香濃奶糖—布朗一樣,上場10分鐘僅僅命中1個球。