couldst[kudst]v. [古]能夠(can的過去式)
Thou couldst desire no earthly thing 伊人隔塵,我亦無望。;伊人隔塵,我亦無望.;伊人隔塵,我亦無望;伊人隔塵,我亦無望。;
1.Couldst thou surely tell, Hester, whether he was the same man that encountered thee on the forest-path? 海絲特,你說得準他是不是在林間小路上和你相遇的那同一個人呢?
2." And the sick man answered: "Thou wouldst give me great consolation if thou couldst get me a pig's foot to eat. 那個生病的人回答說:「如果你可以給我弄一個豬蹄來吃,那就會給我帶來很大的安慰。
3.Ah, if thou couldst but tell me how I can have offended him, that I might do penance, and then my heart also would be glad again. 你要是能告訴我我怎麼得罪了他,我也好贖罪,那樣我的心才會快活起來。