





PLabbr. 分界線(Parting Line);合用線(Party Line);有效負載(Pay Load);信號燈(Pilot Lamp);複數(plural,等於pl)


pl 波蘭;丙烯;光致發光;電動鎖;PL PLINE 繪製多義線;繪製聚合線;rme Pl 腸子;PL Mapping 光致發光掃瞄系統;快速掃瞄光螢光;hat PL 波蘭;


1.If you are honest person, pl keep in touch! I would appreciate getting your comments or letters! 如果你是一個真誠的人,請保持聯繫!我很賞識收到你的留言或者信件!

2.In PL/1, one or more character or bits concatenated to the right of a string to extend the string to a required length. 在程序設計語言pl/1中,並置在串右邊以把串擴展到所需長度的一個或多個字符或者位。

3.Against the characteristic of PL-TCM, the problem of edge tracking has been solved by rational optimization to the system from hardware and software. 針對酸連軋機組的自身特點,從硬件和軟件上對系統進行了合理的優化,解決了不易尋邊的問題。


locus; pl situs; site - 位點

paries; pl parietes - 體壁

entozoon; pl entozoa - 內寄生蟲

endothelium; inner bark; pl endothelia - 內皮

pl plasmodia; pl syncytia; symplasm; syncytium - 合胞體

cysticercus; pl cysticerci - 囊尾蚴

blastula; pl blastulae - 囊胚泡

conuvolutoon; gyre; gyrus; gyrus frontalis inferior; inferior frontal gyrus; pl gyri - 回

med; pl media - 媒質

antiserum; pl antisera - 抗血清

caryo; caryo; caryon; core; karyo; karyo; karyon; pl nuclei - 核

hair; pilus pl pili - 毛髮

hair; pilus pl pili; thrix - 毛

pl trochleae; trochlea - 滑車

dens; pl teeth; tooth - 牙

circulus; collar; loop; pl circuli; verge - 環

paralysis; pl paralyses - 癱瘓

eyebrow; pl supercilia; supercillium - 眉

eye; ophthalmos oculus; pl oculi - 眼

canthus; pl canthi - 眼角

cavity; fossa; fosse; pit; pl fossae; pouch; socket - 窩

arrector; pl arrectores - 立肌

pl rouleaux - 紅細胞疊連

fibril; fibrila; fibrilla; pl fibrillae - 纖絲

cilium; pilus; pl lili - 纖毛

fiber; fibra; fibre; pl fibrae - 纖維

line; linea; pl lineae - 線

myofibril; myofibrilla; pl myofibrillae - 肌原纖維

gastroentro pancreaticendocrinium; gorge; pl ventriculi; stomach; ventriculus; wind syndrome of the stomach - 胃

blood vessel; pl vasa; vas - 脈管

conuvolutoon; convolution; gyrus; pl gyri - 腦回

cephalitis; cerbritis; phrenitis; pl cephalitidis - 腦炎

cerebrospinal meningitis; pl meningitides - 腦脊膜炎

meningitis; pl meningitides - 腦膜炎

pl tetanica; tetanicum - 致強直劑

pl tori; torus - 花托

alga; pl algae - 藻

mosquito; pl mosquitoes - 蚊

ankle; malleolus; pl malleoli; talus - 踝

pl sychondroses; synchondroso - 透明軟骨結合

pl streptobacilli; streptobacillus - 鏈桿菌

pl streptococci; streptococcus - 鏈球菌

entrance; hilum; hilus; pl hila - 門

ameba; amoeba; pl amebae - 阿米巴

pl rediae; redia - 雷蚴

cerevisia; pl cerevisiae - 麥酒

black bead; comedo; pl comedones - 黑頭粉刺


n.毛,毛髮 - pilus pl pili

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