pocketful['pɔkitful]n. 一袋之量;滿袋
pocketful 滿袋;一袋;pocketful sackful 滿袋;Pocketful of rain baing 雨衣的口袋;A Pocketful Of Stones 迷幻搖滾;Pocketful of rainbows 滿袋彩虹;滿袋彩虹 下載;
1.That's when the boy waiting behind her emptied a pocketful of change onto the table. 正在這時,一個在她後面等著的男孩將一口袋的零錢全倒出在桌面上。
2.He promised to bring me a pocketful of apples and pears, and then he kissed his children, said good-bye, and set off. 他答應給我帶滿滿一包蘋果和梨。然後他親吻了他的孩子,說罷再見,就出發了。
3.I swim ashore, I seize her horse, I ride off in triumph, and I sell the horse for a whole pocketful of money and an excellent breakfast! 我游上了岸,奪了她的馬,大搖大擺地騎走了。我用馬換來滿滿一口袋銀錢,還美美地吃了一頓早飯!