





as poor as a church mouse beggarly dog-poor penniless 赤貧的;as poor as a church mouse beggarly dog-poor penniless 赤貧的;poor sensation or poor mentation 感覺障礙與情緒低落;as poor as a church mouse beggarly dog-poor penniless 赤貧的;as poor as a church mouse beggarly dog-poor penniless 赤貧的;


1.The muscles are driven by reflex behavior, but the reflex behavior can be altered by poor movement patterns, poor flexibility, muscle imbalance, poor posture, or a poor warm-up. 這些肌肉由反射機能控制(這些動作都是反射性行為),但這些反射性行為也會根據錯誤動作模式、較差的柔韌性、肌肉不均衡、較差的身體姿勢或熱身不充分而發生變化。

2.The muscles are driven by reflex behavior, but the reflex behavior can be altered by poor movement patterns, poor flexibility, muscle imbalance, poor posture, or a poor warm-up. 這些肌肉由反射機能控制(這些動作都是反射性行為),但這些反射性行為也會根據錯誤動作模式、較差的柔韌性、肌肉不均衡、較差的身體姿勢或熱身不充分而發生變化。

3.Smoking was associated with poor knowledge of tobacco related illness, poor school permanence, poor mental health, family influences and peer influences (P<0. 05). 吸煙與煙草相關疾病知識貧乏、在校表現欠佳、不健康心理、家庭影響、夥伴影響等相關聯(P<0。05)。

4.The reservoir pore throat structure characterized by mini pore throat, poor sorting, poor connectedness and poor infiltrating ability. 孔喉半徑小、分選差、連通性差、滲流能力弱是砂體儲層孔喉結構的基本特徵。

5.Are the statistics that the medical world loves to quote to say, 'There is no connection, ' really accurate, or are they based on poor diagnoses, poor recordkeeping? 是不是這樣的統計--醫療界愛引用說,』沒有聯繫』—真的準確?還是他們是基於不可靠的診斷以及貧乏的記錄數據之上?


I'm afraid I'm a poor talker. - 我這個人恐怕不善言談。

Oh, you poor little thing. - 哦,可憐的小東西。

Oh, you poor, poor baby. - 哦,可憐的小傢伙。

Oh, poor baby. - 噢, 可憐的小寶貝。

But his teeth hurt, and he just can't get to sleep, poor dear. - 但他的牙疼, 他不能入睡, 可憐的小寶貝。

The gap between the poor and the rich seems to be growing every day. - 貧富懸殊好像與日俱增。

He is as poor as a church mouse. - 他一貧如洗。

Has a poor personal appearance. - 衣著形象不佳。

Has poor voice, diction, grammar. - 嗓音,措辭,語法很糟糕。

Has poor scholastic record, just got by. - 學習成功不夠好,僅僅過得去而已。

I have been a poor student of foreign languages. - 外語就學得不好。

It is generally believed that Chinese are poor public speakers. - 一般認為中國人不擅長公眾演講。

He was accustomed to poor food. - 他習慣於粗茶淡飯。

I'm a poor golfer. - 我是一個拙劣的高爾夫球手。

A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich. - 窮人的一隻羔羊比富人的一頭牛還要珍貴。

A poor man who takes a rich wife has a ruler, not a wife. - 窮漢娶富妻,必受老婆欺。

Better be poor than wicked. - 寧可做窮人,不要做壞人。

Better poor with honour than rich with shame. - 窮得光榮,勝過富得可恥。

He alone is poor who does not possess knowledge. - 沒有知識,才是貧窮。

In the grave the rich and poor lie equal. - 人到黃泉,貧富同眠。

It is a poor heart that never rejoices. - 不知世間有樂者最可憐。

It's a poor heart that never rejoices. - 不知人間有樂趣者最可憐。

It's a poor mouse that has only on hole. - 鼠只有一洞,必先把命送。

The poor are rich when they are satisfied. - 貧能知足即為富。

The poor man wants much, the miser everything. - 貧窮人要求多,守財奴樣樣要。

The poor man wants much,the miser everything. - 窮人要求多,財迷則樣樣都要。

She is poor but quite respectable. - 她雖窮,人品卻很端正。

we'll be poor again.What'll we do then? - 我們又會變窮的。那時我們怎麼辦呢?

We all know what the poor man should have said, - 我們都明白那個可憐的人應該說些什麼,

Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. - 那個可憐的記者不僅被捕了,而且還被送進了監獄。

Not wanting to frighten the poor man, - 理查茲夫人不想嚇唬這個可憐人,

He was adored by rich and poor alike. - 無論是富人還是窮人都對他祟拜備至。

In many ways, this is unfortunate for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same lines night after night. - 這樣一來,可憐的演員們可倒霉了。因為他們需要一夜連著一夜地重複同樣的台詞。

He says nothing about the poor selection of goods in the shops, or about those unfortunate people who have to travel from the country to the city every day to get to work. - 他也不說商店貨物品種單調,以及那些每天不得不從鄉下趕到城裡工作的不幸的人們。

The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates the power of the press. - 下面這戶窮人一夜之間出名發財的故事戲劇性地說明了新聞報道威力。

The poor girl was dismissed instantly. - 貝西當即被解雇了。

sometimes with the local priest (who was usually as poor as his parishioners), sometimes with shepherds or cheese-makers. - 有時同當地牧師 (他通常和他的教民一樣窮)住在一起,有時同牧羊人或制乳酪的人住在一起。

The hovercraft is particularly useful in large areas with poor communications such as Africa or Australia; - 氣墊船在非洲、澳大利亞等交通不發達地區特別有用。

And it should not be forgotten how small those resources are in a poor and backward country. - 不應忘記,在一個貧窮落後的國家裡,那部分財力是很有限的。

Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen, Venus far too hot, and so is Mercury, - 火星太乾燥又缺氧,金星太熱,水星也一樣。

I would make a very poor show of disputing the ownership of a cave with a bear, - 要我和一隻熊去爭洞穴,我會出洋相的;

In 1858 an area of poor housing, factories and farm buildings was torn down and Central Park was created, reaching from 59th Street to 110th Street and across three avenues. - 1858年拆除了一大片破舊的房屋、工廠和農舍,建起了中央公園,這個公園從59街延伸到110街,跨越三條大馬路。

In this way Native Americans were forced onto poor land that the settlers did not want. - 就這樣,美洲土著人被趕到殖民者所不要的貧瘠的土地上去了。

Annie was born in a poor family, on April 4th, 1866. - 1866年4月4日,安妮出生在一個貧苦家庭中。

Before he returned to India, he decided to live as a poor man and not to possess wealth. - 在回印度之前,他已決心過窮人一樣的生活,不佔有財富。


n. poor material - 不良材料

poor solvent - 不良溶劑

poor differentiation - 低分化

n. poor fit - 壞擬合

n. poor fit - 弱擬合

disease is a concomitant with poor sanitation - 疾病系由不潔而致

poor head positon during sleep - 睡覺時頸部位置不當

poor vision - 視物昏暗

have a poor memory - 記憶力差

n. poor ground - 貧地

n. poor feeding - 進料不良

n. poor feeding - 送進不良

impaired appetite; inappetence; poor appetite - 食慾不振


n.疾病系由不潔而致 - disease is a concomitant with poor sanitation

n.記憶力差 - have a poor memory

貧血小板血漿,乏血小板血漿 - platelet poor plasma

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