1.And, it's easy to see why. The extra 30 outs that Wang is getting is not necessarily due to the Yanks fielders, but by Wang himself. 由於洋基野手守備,王額外獲得的30個出局數不見得是靠隊友背後的幫忙,很明顯地看得出為什麼,是由於王自己的﹝助殺﹞。
2.Chien-Ming Wang dominated on Sunday afternoon, holding the Rays hitless through four frames. Hideki Matsui's two-run blast gave the Yanks the 2-0 win. 王建民在週日下午的比賽中完全掌控了戰局,使日光隊在前四局中無安打出現!加上松井的兩分炮轟,使洋基以2:0贏得比賽。
3.The Yankees have struggled to figure out rookie starters all season. First-year hurlers now have a combined
3. 73 ERA and 7-5 record against the Yanks this year. 洋基今年球季似乎都忙著和「恐菜症」奮鬥(大概也有「恐弱症」),這些菜鳥投手加起來一共拿下7-5和3。73ERA(而且每次都找阿民麻煩。
4.You Yanks, Limeys and Krauts can go patrol Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Japan and the whole world, but Chinese soldiers can't go patrol Zimbabwe? 准你美國佬、英國佬、德國佬在伊拉克巡邏,在阿富汗巡邏,在朝鮮巡邏,在日本巡邏,在全世界巡邏,就不准中國軍人在津巴布韋巡邏?
5.Europeans and many Asians love to see the Yanks humbled, and the sight of America's banking giants going hat in hand to Abu Dhabi, Singapore and China is too much Schadenfreude to pass up. 歐洲人和許多亞洲人喜歡看到美國佬摔跟頭,當看到美國銀行業巨人們卑躬屈膝地對待阿布拉比、新加坡和中國時,實在是很難不去乘機幸災樂禍。