Corrientesn. 科連特斯(阿根廷東北部港口城市)
Corrientes 科連特斯;科連特斯省;阿根廷;科連特斯羊毛;Av Corrientes 科裡安提斯大道;Corrientes Province 科連特斯省;bonos corrientes 陽名復;Corrientes Corrienties 科連特斯羊毛(阿根廷);
1.The future is bright, Australia Corrientes will join hands with you and further, to usher in a better tomorrow. 未來是美好的,澳特斯人將與您攜手共進、奮勇向前,共同迎接美好的明天。
2.Senasa, Argentina's animal- and food-health agency, reported last week that Asian rust has already been found in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Chaco, Corrientes, Misiones, Salta and Santa Fe. 阿根廷動物及食品衛生局上週報告說,已經在布宜諾斯艾利斯省、查科省、克裡安蒂省、密西昂納省、薩爾塔省和聖菲省發現了亞洲銹病。
3.My company to good quality and good service, good credit, low prices for the guidelines, adhere to the Australian first-class image of Corrientes, a generation of Australian Waters brand quality. 我公司以質量好、服務好、信用好、價格低廉為準則,堅持澳特斯的一流形象,創澳特斯一代品牌的質量方針。