maxwellianadj.【物理學】 麥克斯韋的
Maxwellian 麥克斯韋;Maxwellian viewing 麥克斯韋觀察法;maxwellian distribution 麥克斯韋分佈;馬克士威分佈;maxwellian stress 麥克斯韋應力;maxwellian gas 麥克斯韋氣體;
1.Collisions usually lead to a Maxwellian velocity distribution of all gas particles, with very few relatively fast particles. 碰撞通常導致麥克斯韋速度分佈的所有氣體粒子,除了極少數相對較快的粒子。
2.A maxwellian distribution has been used to calculate the original ion velocity when the ion leaves the plasma and enters the sheath. 當離子離開等離子體進入鞘層時,我們加入了麥克斯韋分佈來計算離子的初識速度。
3.It is found that distortions are produced for Maxwellian distribution of the ion velocity distribution due to a large convection electric field appearing in the high latitude region. 由於高緯極區存在較大的對流電場,使得離子的速度分佈函數顯著地偏離麥克斯韋分佈。