n. anxiousness
anxiety[æŋ'zaiəti]n. 焦慮;渴望;掛念;令人焦慮的事
Anxiety 焦慮;憂慮;焦慮症;渴望;anxiety disorder 焦慮性障礙;焦慮症;焦慮症候群;焦慮疾患;social anxiety 社會焦慮;社交焦慮症;社交焦慮;社會焦慮;anxiety neurosis 焦慮神經症;焦慮性神經症;焦慮症;焦慮性精神官能症;anxiety state 焦慮狀態;焦慮症;焦急狀態;
1.You can still your anxiety by listening to some music. 你聽聽音樂以消除內心的不安,平靜下來。
2.Fear and anxiety have always been a part of life and always will be. 恐懼與焦慮早就是生活的一部分,而且也將永遠如此。
3.Gender difference is the importance variable that influences computer anxiety. 性別差異是影響計算機焦慮的重要變量。
anxiety impairing the spleen - 思傷脾
anxiety makes qi depressed; anxiety making qi depressed; anxiety mking qi depressed - 思則氣結
acute anxiety attack - 急性焦慮發作
taylor manifest anxiety scale taylor - 氏焦慮表現度
anxiety state - 焦急狀態
anxiety hysteria - 焦慮性歇斯底里
anxiety neurosis - 焦慮性神經症
anxiety state; state of anxiety - 焦慮狀態
anxiety neurosis - 焦慮症
anxiety tension state - 焦慮緊張狀態
anxiety scale - 焦慮量表
manifest anxiety scale - 表現焦慮程度
extreme anxiety of the mind - 過度的情志波動
n.急性焦慮症 - acute anxiety
n.急性焦慮發作 - acute anxiety attack
基本煩惱 - basic anxiety
n.兒童焦慮症 - childhood anxiety
n.清心安神 - easingmental anxiety
n.過度的情志波動 - extreme anxiety of the mind
特發性不安,漂浮性焦慮不安 - free-floating anxiety
n.低衝動,高度焦慮 - high anxiety
n.低衝動,低度焦慮 - low anxiety
n.表現焦慮程度 - manifest anxiety scale
胸悶,心口焦慮 - precordial anxiety
分離不安 - separation anxiety
境遇性焦慮 - situation anxiety
n.焦慮狀態 - state of anxiety
n.氏焦慮表現度 - taylor manifest anxiety scale taylor
n.特徵性焦慮 - trait anxiety