a. seamed
a. unlined
linedadj. 有內襯的;具線紋的v. 排隊(line的過去分詞);填滿
lined 落裡的;襯裡的;襯砌的;有襯的;lined paper 橫格紙;布襯紙張;格記錄紙;lined undervest 夾背心;lined tricot 起絨經編織物;三梳櫛]起絨經編織物;lined leggings 夾褲;
1.People lined up at the bus stop. 人們在公共汽車站排起了隊。
2.The cartons lined with plastic sheets are waterproof. 用塑料紙做襯裡的紙箱是防水的。
3.Once the most famous street in Asia, it is a tree-lined promenade along the Huangpu River. 它曾是亞洲最著名的一條街,現在它臨著黃浦江,綠樹成蔭,供遊人漫步。
Do you have a job lined up after graduation? - 你畢業後有工作等著你嗎?
There's no need to push, we're all in lined you know! - 沒必要推推擠擠的,我們都在排隊呢。
Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water. - 三輪車並排放在7英尺深的游泳池底上。
The place consisted of a straggling unmade road which was lined on either side by small houses. - 這兒有一條未經修築的彎彎曲曲的道路,路兩邊排列著一些矮小的農舍。
Twelve days later, millions more Indians lined the railway tracks as a slow train took the jar containing his ashes 584 kilometres to a place by the river. - 12天後,當一列慢車將盛有甘地骨灰的罈子駛向584公里外,靠近恆河的一個地方時,又有數百萬人排列的鐵路兩旁,夾道送行。