





postoperative[pəust'ɔpərətiv]adj. 手術後的n. 手術後病人


postoperative 手術後的;術後;手術後;Postoperative Complications 手術後併發症;術後併發症;第十三章 術後併發症;Postoperative care 手術後護理;手術後醫護;postoperative hypoxemia 手術後低氧血症;Postoperative management 術後管理;


1.Objective: To discuss the belly postoperative intestine nursing model. 目的:探討腹部手術後的腸護理模式。

2.Objective To investigate the safety of fleroxacin injection for prevention of postoperative infection. 目的探討氟羅沙星注射劑在預防術後感染中的安全性。

3.Conclusion: Good perioperative period nurse can reduce postoperative complications on hypospadias in children. 結論:質量好的圍術期護理能降低尿道下裂術後併發症。


pericardial postoperative syndrome - 心包手術後綜合征

acute postoperative renal failure - 急性術後腎功能衰竭

postoperative fistula of maxillary sinus - 手術後上頜竇瘺

postoperative granulations in middle ear - 手術後中耳肉芽生長

postoperative fistula of mastoid - 手術後乳突瘺

postoperative shock - 手術後休克

repairment of postoperative perineal laceration - 手術後會陰撕裂縫合術

postoperative hypoinsulinemia - 手術後低胰島素血症

postoperative hemorrhage of prostate - 手術後前列腺出血

postoperative fistula of semicircular canal - 手術後半規管瘺

postoperative absence of ovary - 手術後卵巢缺失

postoperative ovarian failure - 手術後卵巢衰竭

postoperative pulmonary complications - 手術後發生肺併發症

postoperative stricture of pharynx - 手術後咽狹窄

postoperative fistula of larynx - 手術後喉瘺

postoperative perichondritis - 手術後喉軟骨膜炎

postoperative care - 手術後處理

postoperative absence of uterus - 手術後子宮缺失

postoperative absence of cervix - 手術後子宮頸缺失

postoperative injury of small intestine - 手術後小腸損傷

postoperative fistula of small intestine - 手術後小腸瘺

postoperative adhesion of small intestine - 手術後小腸粘連

postoperative of urethra - 手術後尿道狹窄

postoperative urethral fistula - 手術後尿道瘺

postoperative pyloric stenosis - 手術後幽門梗阻

postoperative acute dilatation of stomach - 手術後急性胃擴張

postoperative dyfunction of transsverse colon - 手術後橫結腸功能紊亂

postoperative pneumothorax - 手術後氣胸

postoperative absence of ovary - 手術後淋巴管閉塞

postoperative injury of parathyroid - 手術後甲狀旁腺損傷

postoperative hypothyroidism - 手術後甲狀腺機能減退

postoperative hernia - 手術後疝

postoperative cicaticial stenosis of larynx - 手術後瘢痕性喉狹窄

postoperative stricture of rectum - 手術後直腸狹窄

postoperative hypofunction of testis - 手術後睪丸機能減退

postoperative absence of testis - 手術後睪刃缺失

postoperative esophagitis - 手術後管炎

postoperative intestinal adhesion - 手術後粘連

postoperative psychosis - 手術後精神病

postoperative hematoma of spermatic cord - 手術後精索血腫

postoperative incontinence of anal sphincter - 手術後肛括約肌失禁

postoperative stricture of anus - 手術後肛門狹窄

postoperative atelectasis - 手術後肺不張

postoperative pneumonia - 手術後肺炎

postoperative fistula of stomach - 手術後胃瘺

postoperative rupture of stomach - 手術後胃破裂

postoperative cholangiography - 手術後膽囊造影術

postoperative billiary stone residue - 手術後膽管殘餘結石

postoperative stricture of billiary tract - 手術後膽道狹窄

postoperative detachment of choroid - 手術後脈絡膜脫離


n.急性術後腎功能衰竭 - acute postoperative renal failure

n.心包手術後綜合征 - pericardial postoperative syndrome

n.手術後會陰撕裂縫合術 - repairment of postoperative perineal laceration

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