barouche[bə'ru:ʃ]n. 四輪四座大馬車
1.We got an open barouche and a wild, boisterous driver, and set out. 我們雇了一輛四輪敞篷馬車,和一個粗野、暴躁的車伕,然後出發了。
2.It was Sir Michael Audley's barouche which came to so sudden a stop before the little inn. 那麼突然停在小旅館門前的,乃是邁克爾
3.'If the worst comes to the worst', Becky thought, 'my retreat is secure; and I have a right-hand seat in the barouche. 蓓基想到:「逼到最後一條路,逃難是 不怕的 了,在他的大馬車裡,我穩穩的有一個位子了。」