





r. brightly ,brilliantlya. brilliant ,burnished ,smart ,undimmed


a. dim ,dimmed ,dull


bright[brait]adj. 明亮的,鮮明的;聰明的;愉快的adv. 明亮地;光明地;歡快地n. 車頭燈光


BRIGHT 亮度;明亮(感);副亮度;布賴特;bright pickling 光亮浸蝕;光亮侵蝕;光亮酸洗;光亮浸蝕:;bright prospect 光明的前景;光明的遠景雅思備考中的六大誤區總結;光明的遠景 雅思寫作常用句型分類總結;光明的遠景;bright plating 光亮電鍍;光澤鍍鉻;亮光電鍍;光亮電鍍:;Bright Crystal 香戀水晶;晶鑽女用香水;


1.Look on the bright side. 要看事情光明的一面。

2.This is a ray of bright light for our world. 這是一種光的明亮的燈光為我們的世界。

3.Mike likes to write by the nice bright light. 邁克喜歡在美好的明亮的燈光下寫字。


It's bright and clear today. - 今天天氣晴空萬里。

Is this pink too bright for me? - 我穿粉紅色會不會太過鮮艷了?

Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink. - 是的 這種粉紅是亮了點。

We'd all like to believe that we have a bright future ahead of us. - 我們都願意相信我們的前面是一個美好的不未來。

Let's look on the bright side. - 我們來看看它好的一面。

The apartment is spacious, bright and clean. - 這個公寓寬敞、明亮、乾淨。

Do you think the clothing industry has bright future? - 你覺得服裝行業前景好嗎?

He came up with a bright idea. - 他想到一個妙主意。

The bright young man can get ahead quickly in the tourist industry. - 這位聰明的年輕人在旅遊世界很快獲得成功。

Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. - 邁克喜歡晚上在柔和明亮的燈光下寫作。

Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. - 麥克喜歡在夜晚明亮的燈光旁寫作。[八次瘋狂張嘴,元音極其飽滿!]

I usually feel timid in the presence of very bright people. - 站在聰明人面前,我感到羞怯。

The bright light made Alex blink. - 強烈的燈光使阿列克斯的眼睛暈眩。

It seems he has a lot of bright ideas. - 看起來他好像有很多聰明意見。

Try to look on the bright side of things. - 盡量從好的方面看。

In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. - 演出時她必須穿一條鮮紅色的裙子和黑色的長筒襪。

It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail. - 它長著一個像馬一樣的頭,有著大的藍眼睛和閃閃發光的銀色皮膚,還有一條鮮紅色的尾巴。

He was a sleek, short man with a bright bald-head, pink face, and gold-rimmed glasses. - 他身材矮小,穿著時髦,頭光禿,面粉紅,戴一副金絲邊眼鏡。

I'd like to come and cover the walls with some bright paintings. - 我願意給牆上畫幾幅色彩鮮艷的畫。


n. bright current density extent - 亮電流密度範圍

azarine; bright red; brilliant red - 亮紅

n. bright copper coating - 優質銅鑄型

n. bright nickel - 優質鎳

n. bright sheet - 光亮板

n. bright dipping - 光亮浸漬

n. bright quenching oil - 光亮淬火油

n. bright electroplating - 光亮電鍍層

n. bright finish - 光亮精整

bright liver - 光亮肝

n. bright steel sheet - 光亮鋼板

n. bright copper plating - 光亮銅鍍層

n. bright chromate - 光亮鉻酸鹽

n. bright zinc plating - 光亮鋅鍍層

n. bright cadmium plating - 光亮鎘鍍層

n. bright nickel plating - 光亮鎳鍍層

n. bright anodic oxidation coatings - 光亮陽極氧化塗層

n. bright anodic oxidation coatings - 光亮陽級氧化塗層

n. bright dipping - 光澤浸漬

n. bright dipping - 光澤浸漬法

n. bright current density extent - 光澤電流密度範圍

n. bright plating - 光澤電鍍

n. bright copper plating - 光澤銅鍍

n. bright chromate - 光澤鉻酸鹽

n. bright zinc plating - 光澤鋅鍍

n. bright cadmium plating - 光澤鎘鍍

n. bright nickel plating - 光澤鎳鍍

n. bright hardening - 光輝燒入

n. bright finish - 境面拋光

bright contrast - 明反襯

bright line - 明線

bright line spectrum - 明線光譜

bright field - 明視場

bright field; brightfield - 明視野

n. bright dipping - 電解液浸亮

bright redtongue; crimson tongue; purplish red tongue - 舌質紅絳

a red and bright face - 面色紅潤光澤


n.面色紅潤光澤 - a red and bright face


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