afore[ə'fɔ:]adv. 在…前conj. 在…前面prep. 在…前
afore 在前;在……之前;在船首;AFORE PG 阿福爾;afore mentioned 前面提到的;afore the mast 在桅的前方;afore the beam 船中以前;
1.Ro 1:2 (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures. 羅1:2這福音是神從前藉眾先知在聖經上所應許的。
2.By inner-transformation, I mean the period Chinese culture endeavored to set modernization and modernity as her own idea after the afore said collision. 「內在轉化」階段是指在經過外在衝擊後,現代化與現代性內化為中國文化自身的理想目標;
3.Should get afore-mentioned article arrangement orderly, economic area, neat sanitation, facilitate use, best method is to use a cabinet to close all kitchen utensils and appliances. 要將上述物品安排得有條有理、節省面積、整潔衛生、便於使用,最好的方法是用櫃子把所有廚具封閉起來。