furnisher['fə:niʃə]n. 傢俱商;供給者
furnisher 供給者;給漿筒 給沙器;供給者, 傢俱商;給漿筒 給沙器;brush furnisher 毛刷給漿輥;furnisher roller 配料羅拉;feeder furnisher provider 供給者;work as the funeral furnisher 在火葬廠工作;
1.For London long the mark that the furnisher inn of negative great reputation designed special modernization. 為倫敦一家久負盛名的傢俱商店設計了非常現代化的標記。
2.Cloakroom should be configured by furnisher complete set, when also can be being decorated, as overall as the room design is made. 衣帽間應由傢俱商全套配置,也可在裝修時與房間總體設計製作。
3.The first time Bao Hao sees in furnisher field this furniture, be waked then by it namely purpose colour and fluent line are attracted. 初次在傢俱商場見到包豪斯傢俱,即被它那醒目的色彩及流暢的線條吸引。