TTCNabbr. 樹表結合表示法(Tree and Tabular Combined Notation)
TTCN tree and tabular combined notation;樹表結合表示法;The Tree and Tabular Combined Notation;tree and table combined notation;TTCN Tree and Tabular Combined Notation 樹狀圖與表格相結合的註釋;Tree and Tabular Combined Notation TTCN 樹形和板狀的組合標誌;
1.By means of TTCN, the protocol test for TD-SCDMA system is investigated in the paper. 採用TTCN作為測試工具,對TD-SCDMA系統中的協議測試進行了研究。
2.Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN), defined in ISO/IEC9646 standard, is selected as the description language. 選擇ISO/IEC9646標準所提出的樹表結合表示法(TTCN)來作為測試例的描述語言。
3.In addition, since the translated C++ codes are basically consistent with the original TTCN-3 codes, this will improve readability, or maintainability of the code. 此外,因為翻譯後的C++代碼與原TTCN-3代碼基本一致,這使得代碼的可讀性得到改善,進而提高代碼的可維護性。