Corylus 榛屬;榛木屬;榛屬(樺木科);榛樹;Corylus avellana 歐洲榛;榛果提取;歐洲榛}{『金葉』榛子;Corylus heferopuylla 平榛;Corylus thibetica 刺榛;Corylus cornuta 加州榛子;加州榛;
1.Corylus heterophylla possesses the traits with cold resistance, good flavor and taste. 平榛具有抗寒性強,風味、口感好等特點。
2.cutting, tissue culture and other methods which propagate fast are effective ways in Corylus heterophylla propagation. 繁殖速度快的扦插、組織培養等繁殖方法將成為解決榛子繁殖難題的有效途徑。
3.Objective:Inhibition of nitrosation by extraction from Corylus heterophylla Leaf was studied under the simulated condition of gastric juice in vitro. 目的:在體外模擬人胃液的條件下,研究了榛葉提取物對亞硝化反應的抑製作用。