dingsn. 板材的彎折;鋼板彎析v. 使產生凹痕;丁當作響(ding的第三人稱單數)
dings 板材的彎折;鐘聲;鋼板彎析;Dings-Crockett separator 丁一式分離機;fin Marketing dings 調查結果;Dings magnetic separator 丁氏磁分離器;
1.Objective To investigate X -ray signs and CT fin dings of acute pulmonary abscess and to evaluate their diagnostic val-ue. 目的探討急性肺膿腫的多種X線徵象與CT表現及其診斷價值。
2.If you own your vehicle, the inevitable door dings and dents -- as well as coffee stains on the seat -- can also be shrugged off. 要是你擁有自己的車,那麼門上不可避免的刮擦和污漬,以及座椅上的咖啡印記,你都可以隨它去。
3.If you have a smooth finished pipe that has a ding (or many dings) but the fibers of the wood are unbroken these blemishes can usually be steamed out. 假如你有一把光滑表面的煙斗表面有一個砂眼(或者有很多砂眼)但是木頭的纖維是沒有斷裂的,這種瑕疵通常可以用蒸汽讓它們外露。