jugoslavian. 南斯拉夫(巴爾幹半島國家名)
Jugoslavia 南斯拉夫;Kongeriket Jugoslavia 南斯拉夫王國;Jugoslavia Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫;
1.Me: This Cookie is made by Jugoslavia. This country used to have war with the U. S. 我說:這個餅乾是南斯拉夫出產的。這個國家和美國打過仗哦…
2.In Jugoslavia, I like summer and winter. In summer, I can swim and eat ice-cream. In winter, I can skate, make a snowman and throw snowballs. 我喜歡夏天和冬天的南斯拉夫。在夏天,我可以游泳,吃冰淇淋。冬天,我可以去滑冰,堆雪人,打雪仗。
3.Prison hotel: this was military prison in Austria-Hungary and Jugoslavia until the in dependence of Slovenia in 1991. Now it renames Cerica, means Prison. 監獄旅館:這裡曾經是奧匈帝國和南斯拉夫的軍事監獄,直到1991年斯洛文尼亞獨立後被改造為名叫塞利卡(意為牢房)的旅館。