Lagomorphan. [動]兔類
LAGOMORPHA 免形目;兔形目;兔類;兔型目;Lagomorpha leporid 兔類;
1.This is the Third part of "A Guide to the Measurement of Mammal Skull". In this paper we introduced the special measurements for Rodentia and Lagomorpha. 本文為《獸類頭骨測量標準》第三部分,在第一部分-基本量度的基礎上著重介紹了囓齒目和兔形目各類群特有的量度及測量方法。
2.This is the Third part of " A Guide to the Measurement of Mammal Skull". In this paper we introduced the special measurements for Rodentia and Lagomorpha. 本文為《獸類頭骨測量標準》第三部分,在第一部分———基本量度的基礎上著重介紹了囓齒目和兔形目各類群特有的量度及測量方法。
3.Originally misclassified as rodents, rabbits belong to the order of Lagomorpha and are more closely related to ungulates such as cows and deer than rodents. 兔子最初被誤分為囓齒目動物,其實是屬於復齒類,相對於囓齒目動物它更接近蹄類動物如牛和羊。