





n. moldiness ,mustiness


MUST[mʌst, ॼ౭əst, məs, mst, ms]aux. 必須,一定;可以,應當;很可能n. 絕對必要的事物;未發酵葡萄汁


MUST 必須;葡萄汁;社團法人中華音樂著作權仲介協會;中華音樂著作權仲介協會;must have 必須擁有;必須的;非有不可;必須有;must be 一定是;肯定是;有時也不一定表示推測,而是表示「必須」。如:;一定;a must 必須的條件,不可缺少的東西;must not 不可以,不准;一定不要;不允許;不應該;


1.We must do as we are told. 我們必須按吩咐的去辦。

2.Dream is a wife who must talk. 夢是一個一定要聊天的妻子。

3.Dream is a wife who must talk. 夢是一個一定要談話的夫人。


You must have the wrong number. - 你一定打錯電話了。

Great. I believe you must care for his educations. - 太好了。我相信你肯定很關心他的教育吧。

I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip. - 出差這麼久,終於要回家了,我想你一定很高興。

Do you have anything that must be claimed? - 難道你沒需要申報的東西嗎?

Oh, sorry. There must be some mistake. - 哦,抱歉,一定是弄錯了。

You must be very tired after the journey. - 旅行之後,您一定累了吧!

You must be hungry by now. - 你現在一定餓了。

I must say the products in Shanghai have improved very much in the past ten years. - 我得承認上海的產品這十年來進步了很多。

First you must find out the clause of the quality problems and furnish sufficient evidence. - 首先你的查查有關質量問題的條款,並提供足夠的證據。

Claims, if any, must be made within 30 days after the arrival of the goods. - 索賠必須在貨物抵達目的地後30天內提出。

I guess they must have inspected only part of the goods, but not the whole. - 我猜想,他們檢查的只是部分貨物,而不是全部。

But your L C must reach us 30 days before delivery. - 但交貨前30天,我們必須要收到你們的信用證。

No way. I must get everything ready before noon. - 不行啊,我必須在中午前把一切都做好。

It's getting late. Please excuse me, but I must leave right away. - 時間不早了。對不起,我得趕緊走了。

I must tell you it's the best party I've ever had. - 我一點要說,我從沒去過這麼出色的舞會。

This must be a proud day for you. - 今天是你值得驕傲的一天。

That fat kid must be hooked on sweets. - 那個胖男孩兒是個糖罐子。

Your car's very noisy. The muffler must be damaged. - 你的車噪音真大,消聲器一定出毛病了。

Wow, dad is cooking, this must be a special occasion. - 哇, 爸爸在做飯, 這肯定是一個特別的場合。

You must be mistaken. - 你一定搞錯了。

Yes. And you must be Susan. Hi. - 是的。 一定是Susan了。嗨

You two must be close. - 你們兩個關係一定很好。

You must be excited. - 您一定很興奮。

Yes. I know I must seem silly. - 是的,我知道我看來一定很可笑。

Then an adult must sign for you. - 那就必須有一位成年人來替你簽字。

She must really miss them. - 她準是很想主人。

Well, there must be something. - 嗯 ,一定可以找到事做。

There must be some way to put my mind to good use. - 總會有辦法讓我發揮才智。

Just imagine--Marilyn and Richard must be thrilled! - 想像得出 Marilyn和Richard一定樂壞了!

and we must prepare this room. - 我們得收拾好房間。

Uh, it must mean something. - 噢 ,這很有意思。

Oh, it must be a bill. - 噢, 還不是帳單。

He must have loved her very much. - 他一定非常非常地愛她。

This must be Pete's barn. - 這一定是Pete的糧倉了。

Hey, that must be Pete! - 嗨, 那一定是Pete

but there must be a way - 但總該有一個辦法

My son must have put you to a lot of trouble. - 我兒子一定給你帶來不少麻煩。

You must have enjoyed yourself. - 你一定玩的很開心。

There must be a way - 總該有個辦法

My little horse must think it queer - 我的小馬一定感到奇怪

She must like you and your work, Marilyn. - 她一定是喜歡你和你的工作, Marilyn。

And this is Abe Lucas. You must remember Abe. - 這是Abe Lucas。你一定記得Abe。

Well, that must be him. - 噢,一定是他。

You really must try and take more care. - 你一定要更當心一點。

You really must have your wits about your when dealing with such people. - 跟這類人打交道,你必須格外警覺。

You must observe these simple rules. - 你必須遵守這些簡單的規定。

In this company you must toe the line if your want to keep your job. - 在這個公司裡,你必須循規蹈矩才能保住飯碗。

I must take issue with your over what you said at the meeting. - 我要和你好好談談你在會上說的那些話。(take issue with someone: 對某人的觀點提出異議。)

You must be joking. - 你肯定是在看玩笑。

The traffic's bumper to bumper, it must be rush hour. - 車一輛接著一輛,現在肯定是交通高峰期。

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