relieving[ri'li:viŋ]adj. 救助的;救援的v. 減輕;救濟(relieve的ing形式)
relieving 小放氣;救助的;釋放的;預備的;relieving arch 減壓拱;減重拱;卸載拱;(門窗過梁等的)卸載拱, 減壓拱;relieving beam 減壓梁;relieving lathe 鏟齒車床;鏟背車床,鏟齒車床;relieving tackle 應急舵具;備用操舵滑車組;緩衝滑車組;應急舵滑車組;
1.Aspirin has efficacy in relieving headaches. 阿司匹林有解除頭痛的效能。
2.Calcium Magnesium – A good calcium-magnesium ratio assists in preventing osteoporosis and relieving stress. 鈣鎂片-鈣鎂比率良好,有助預防骨質疏鬆兼紓緩壓力。
3.Hammer peening is a kind of very effective process relieving welding residual stress, which has many unique advantages, and was applied widely in engineering. 錘擊處理是一種非常有效的消除焊接殘餘應力的方法,具有獨特的優越性,在實際工程中應用比較廣泛。
nourishing yin and relieving superfiies-syndrome - 養陰解表
relieving hyperacidity - 制酸
relieving sore-throat - 利咽
reducing pharyngeal swelling; relieving sore-throat and diminishing swelling - 利咽消腫
relieve rigidity of the muscles and joints; relieving rigidity of muscles and joints - 利筋骨
resolving sputum and relieving asthma - 化痰平喘
relieving pain by regulating the nutrient system - 和營止痛
during the relieving course - 在緩解期間
relieving mental stress - 寧心安神
relieving colic caused byascaris - 安蛔
relieving or preventing asthma - 定喘
relieving asthma and reinforcing yangqi - 定喘助陽
relieving epigastric distention - 寬中
relieving the chest stuffiness; soothe the chest oppression; soothing the chest opression - 寬胸
preventing asthma; relieving asthma; relieving dyspnea - 平喘
relieving lockjaw - 開噤
open the locked jaw for resuscitation; relieving lockjaw and causing resuscitation - 開噤通關
relieving flatulence - 開痞
and activating spleen; relieving stagnation-syndrome - 開郁醒脾
dispesing cold and relieving pain - 散寒止痛
removing obstruction and relieving pain - 散結止痛
astringing for relieving or preventing asthma - 斂肺定喘
relieving cough and reducing sputum - 止咳化痰
relieving cough and asthma - 止咳平喘
relieving fainting - 止暈
relieving darrhea - 止瀉
relieving convulsion and spasm - 止痙
relieving itching - 止癢
relieving dysentery - 止痢
relieving constipation by hydragogue; relieving constipation by purgation - 瀉下通便
removing heat from the lung and relieving asthma - 瀉肺平喘
promote degestion and relieving stasis; remoming food retention and promoting digestion; removing food retention and promoting digestion - 消導
disintegrating masses; relieve distension and fullness; relieve the distension; relieving distension and fullness; relieving distention and fullness - 消痞
relieving flatulence - 消脹
antidiarrhea with astringents; relieving diarrhea with astringents - 澀腸止瀉
anti-dysentery with astringents; relieving dysenterywith astringents; relieving dysentey with astringents - 澀腸止痢
relieving convulsion andspasm - 熄風止痙
relieving depression of the liver-qi; soothing the liver - 疏肝
relieving spasm and pain - 緩急止痛
bupleurum powder for relieving liver-qi - 胡疏肝散
restoring qi and relieving dyspnea - 補虛平喘
relieving summer-heat - 解暑
relieving spasm and pain - 解痙止痛
relieve exterior syndrome; relieving exterior syndrome - 解表
pill for relieving dysphasia - 解語丹
disperse the depressed vital energy; relieving the depressed liver - 解郁
promoting the lfow of qi and relieving stagnancy - 調氣解郁
decoction for relieving edema - 越婢湯
softening hard masses and relieving sore-throat - 軟堅利咽
softening the dry feces and relieving flatulence - 軟堅除滿
n.斂肺定喘 - astringing for relieving or preventing asthma
n.胡疏肝散 - bupleurum powder for relieving liver-qi
n.越婢湯 - decoction for relieving edema
n.散寒止痛 - dispesing cold and relieving pain
n.在緩解期間 - during the relieving course
n.養陰解表 - nourishing yin and relieving superfiies-syndrome
n.解語丹 - pill for relieving dysphasia
n.消導 - promote degestion and relieving stasis
n.調氣解郁 - promoting the lfow of qi and relieving stagnancy
n.瀉肺平喘 - removing heat from the lung and relieving asthma
n.散結止痛 - removing obstruction and relieving pain
n.化痰平喘 - resolving sputum and relieving asthma
n.補虛平喘 - restoring qi and relieving dyspnea
n.軟堅利咽 - softening hard masses and relieving sore-throat
n.軟堅除滿 - softening the dry feces and relieving flatulence