doubletree['dʌbltri:]n. (雙馬拉車等時使用的)雙駕橫木
Doubletree Hilton 希爾頓逸林酒店;Doubletree Hotel 道博特瑞酒店;雙樹旅館;雙樹大旅館;雙樹飯店;Doubletree Hotels 雙樹酒店;DOUBLETREE DOWNTOWN 雙樹市區酒店;DOUBLETREE UNIVERSAL 雙樹環球飯店;
1.Although Doubletree is a challenge to me, I still feel very happy to come here with my family. 他說:「儘管逸林對我來說是一次挑戰,但我仍然覺得能和我的家庭一起來到這裡是一件非常值得高興的事情。
2.In the post-Olympics era, Qingdao is emerging as an investment hotspot, which heralds the success of Doubletree by Hilton Qingdao/Chengyang. 青島在後奧運時代裡開始逐漸嶄露頭角,成為一塊冉冉上升的投資的熱土。
3.The Doubletree by Hilton at the Huaqiao International Business Park in Kunshan will represent the second hotel opening by the brand in China this year. 昆山花橋希爾頓逸林酒店是希爾頓逸林今年在中國建造的第二家酒店。