Glis 睡鼠屬;Tupaia glis 普通樹鼩;樹鼩;Glis glis 榛睡鼠;GLIS GenericLogicBlock 普通邏輯塊;Tupaia glis modesta 樹鼩;
1.Mr. Glis did everything in his power to get the wheelchair fixed, bringing to my room the hotel engineer. 李先生運用了他一切的力量幫我解決輪椅問題,帶了酒店的工程師到我房裡來幫我修理輪椅。
2.All during my stay in Beijing, Mr. Glis was thoughtful and considerate of me, and of those around me, in every way. 我在北京的全程,衣食住行方方面面都得到了李先生悉心的照顧。
3.It is a privilege to know Mr. Glis, and I hope he and I can work together and enjoy a good relationship throughout the years to come. 認識李先生是我的榮幸,希望彼此能共同合作並繼續這份難得的友誼。