nasal septum gouge septum gouge 鼻中隔圓鑿;nasal septum gouge septum gouge 鼻中隔圓鑿;nasal septum gouge septum gouge 鼻中隔圓鑿;Perform Gouge 執行過切檢查;firmer gouge 外圓彎鑿;半圓式木鑿;木工用弧口鑿,半圓式木鑿;
1.Gouge or infilling is the material between two faces of a structural discontinuity such as a fault. 斷層泥或充填物是指一個不連續面(如斷層)的兩個表面之間的物質。
2.The gouge of the fault zone may extend to depths of some kilometers. 斷層區的斷層泥可能伸展到若干公里的深度。
3.Clumsy movers made a gouge in the table by forcing it through the doorway. 笨拙的搬運工人把桌子強塞過門口,而有了一道鑿痕。
4.Seal Fate Dagger And 21/8/22 - Ambush if possible, CS if not. Go for a gouge right after. 封印命運的匕首賊或者21/8/22的匕首賊:如果可以的話就伏擊,如果不行就偷襲,之後鑿擊。
5.Heat insulation hermetic gaskets, lamella, metal melted gouge and lin-ing for heat insulation. 隔熱密封墊圈、墊片,金屬熔溝、熔槽隔熱襯墊;
n.圓口雙牙骨槽鑿 - alveolar bone gouge
n.異物鑿 - foreign body gouge
n.鼻中隔娥眉鑿,鼻中隔圓鑿 - nasal septum gouge
n.鼻中隔娥眉鑿,鼻中隔圓鑿 - septum gouge
n.篩蝶竇圓鑿 - sphenoethmoid gouge
n.脊柱圓骨鑿 - spinal gouge
n.鼻中隔魚尾鑿 - v-shaped nasal gouge