hyperkeratoticadj. 角化過的
hyperkeratotic 角化過的;角化過度的;hyperkeratotic pattern 釋義:角化過度型;hyperkeratotic dermatitis the palms 釋義:掌角化過度性皮炎;epidermolytic hyperkeratotic ichthyosis 釋義:表皮鬆解性角化過度型魚鱗病;表皮鬆解性角化過度型魚鱗病;inflammatory hyperkeratotic dermatosis 釋義:炎症性角化過度性皮病;
1.Herein, we describe a 20 year-old male with hard, hyperkeratotic plaques on his palms and soles since his birth. 在此我們報導一名20歲男性病人,在出生不久即被發現手掌腳掌有角質過厚現象;
2.The clinical and histological differences between classical and hyperkeratotic form of PK and the etiology of PK are discussed. 並且討論一般的汗孔角化症和過度角化型米貝利汗孔角化症在臨床和病理上的不同,以及它的致病原因。
3.Histological examination showed, beneath a mild acanthotic and hyperkeratotic epidermis, there was a basophilic band in the upper dermis. 組織病理學檢查見表皮角質層增厚,部分棘層輕度肥厚,真皮上部有呈水平方向的帶狀結締組織區,輕度嗜鹼性變;