





pelvic['pelvik]adj. 骨盆的


pelvic 骨盆的;骨盤的;釋義:骨盆的;骨盆腔;pelvic peritonitis 盆腔腹膜炎;釋義:盆腔腹膜炎;pelvic cavity 骨盆腔;盆腔;釋義:(骨)盆腔;骨盤腔;pelvic exenteration 盆腔廓清術;盆腔清除術;骨盆內臟清掃術;盆腔臟器除去術;pelvic lymphadenoetomy 盆腔淋巴結切除;


1.Objective: To discuss the clinical diagnosis and therapy of female pelvic abscess. 目的:總結女性盆腔膿腫的臨床診斷及治療方法。

2.For data analysis, we utilized the time-frequency analysis in Matlab to verify the components of pelvic-to-pudendal nerve reflex. 在資料分析上最後,我們利用時間頻率分析程式,進行驗證骨盆-陰部神經反射的訊號成分。

3.Doctors say the main ways to find the disease early are recognizing the symptoms and getting a combination pelvic and rectal examination. 醫生說盡早發現卵巢癌的主要方法是認明這些症狀以及做一個骨盆和直腸的綜合檢查。


broderline pelvic conteaction - 臨界性骨盆狹窄

transverse diameter of pelvic inlet - 入口橫徑

total pelvic cleaning - 全盆腔清除術

total pelvic exenteration - 全盆腔臟器除去術

anterior pelvic exenteration - 前盆腔臟器除去術

nervi erigentes; nervi splanchnici pilvini; pelvic nerves - 勃起神經

inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs - 女性盆腔器官炎症

female pelvic peritoneal adhesions - 女性盆腔腹膜粘連

pelvic canal - 小骨盆腔

acute pelvis of pelvic cavity - 急性盆腔炎

acute pelvic cellulitis - 急性盆腔蜂窩組織炎症

chronic ipelvic inflammation; chronic pelvic inflammatory disease - 慢性盆腔炎

relaxed pelvic floor - 鬆弛的骨盆底部

pelvic plexus; plexus pelvinus - 盆叢

nervi spanchnici pelvini; pelvic splanchnic nerves - 盆內臟神經

apertura pelvis inferior; inferior pelvic aperture - 盆出下口

pelvic wall - 盆壁

convergency of pelvic wall - 盆壁內聚

fascia pelvis parietalis; parietal pelvic fascia - 盆壁筋膜

pelvic floor - 盆底

pelvic floor tissue - 盆底組織

pelvic floorstructure - 盆底結構

pelvic curvature - 盆曲

ganglia pelvina; pelvic ganglia - 盆神經節

fascia pelvis; pelvic fascia - 盆筋膜

arcus tendimeus fasciae pelvis; tendimous arch of pelvic fascia - 盆筋膜腱弓

cavum pelvis; pelvic cavity; pelvic cvity - 盆腔

pelvic arrest - 盆腔停滯

pelvic pneumography - 盆腔充氣造影

pelvic congestion; pelvic hyperaemia - 盆腔充血

pelvic congestion syndrome - 盆腔充血綜合征

pelvic echinococcosis - 盆腔內包蟲病

pelvic organs - 盆腔內器管

pelvic endoscopy - 盆腔內窺鏡檢查

pelvic atreriography - 盆腔動脈造影術

inflammatory disease of pelvic organs - 盆腔器官炎症

tuberculosis of pelvic organs - 盆腔器官結核

pelvic relaxation - 盆腔鬆弛症

pelvic lymphadenectomy - 盆腔淋巴結切除術

pelvic exenteration - 盆腔清除術

pelvic inflammation; pelvic inflammatory disease; pelvicinflammatorydisease - 盆腔炎

inflammatory pelvic disease - 盆腔炎症性疾病

repair of pelvic hermia - 盆腔疝修補術

pelvic tuberculosis - 盆腔結核

pelvic mass - 盆腔腫塊

pelvic exenteration - 盆腔臟器除去術

pelvic abscess - 盆腔膿腫

incision and drainage of pelvic abscess - 盆腔膿腫切開引流

drainage of pelvic abscess - 盆腔膿腫引流術

rupture of pelvic abscess - 盆腔膿腫破裂


n.急性盆腔蜂窩組織炎症 - acute pelvic cellulitis

n.急性盆腔炎 - acute pelvis of pelvic cavity

n.前盆腔臟器除去術 - anterior pelvic exenteration

n.骨盆上入口前後徑 - antero-posterior diameter of pelvic inlet

n.骨盆出下口前後徑 - anteroposterior diameter of pelvic outlet

n.臨界性骨盆狹窄 - broderline pelvic conteaction

兒頭骨盤不均衡 - cephalo pelvic disproportion

n.慢性盆腔炎 - chronic pelvic inflammatory disease

n.盆腔腹膜子宮內膜異位 - cndometriosis of pelvic peritoneum

n.骨盆內折合併症 - complication of pelvic fracture

骨盆上口共軛直徑,骨盆入口共軛直徑 - conjugate diameter of the pelvic inlet

n.骨盆上入口狹窄 - contracted pelvic inlet

n.骨盆出下口狹窄,骨盆下出口狹窄 - contracted pelvic outlet

n.盆壁內聚 - convergency of pelvic wall

n.盆腔膿腫引流術 - drainage of pelvic abscess

n.腹膜國腔淋巴結切除術 - extra-peritoneal pelvic lymphadenectomy

n.女性盆腔腹膜粘連 - female pelvic peritoneal adhesions

n.高骨盆位 - high pelvic position

n.骨盆底機能不全 - incompetence of pelvic floor

n.盆腔膿腫切開引流 - incision and drainage of pelvic abscess

n.盆隔下筋膜 - inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm

盆膈下筋膜 - inferior fascia of the pelvic diaphragm

n.骨盆下出口,盆出下口 - inferior pelvic aperture

骨盆死腔炎 - inflammation of pelvic dead space

n.女性盆腔器官炎症 - inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs

n.盆腔器官炎症 - inflammatory disease of pelvic organs

n.盆腔炎症性疾病 - inflammatory pelvic disease

n.腹膜內盆腔淋巴結切除術 - intra-peritoneal pelvic lymphademectomy

n.骨盆分界線 - linea terminalis of pelvic

n.骨盆狹窄平面 - narrow pelvic plane

n.盆壁筋膜 - parietal pelvic fascia

n.骨盆出下口平面 - plane of pelvic outlet

n.骨盆出下口後矢狀徑 - posterior sagittal diameter of pelvic outlet

n.骨盆支持結構弛緩,骨盆支持結構鬆弛 - relaxation of pelvic supports

n.鬆弛的骨盆底部 - relaxed pelvic floor

腎盂腫瘤 - renal pelvic tumor

n.盆腔疝修補術 - repair of pelvic hermia

n.盆腔膿腫破裂 - rupture of pelvic abscess

n.盆隔上筋膜 - superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm

n.骨盆上入口 - superior pelvic aperture

n.盆筋膜腱弓 - tendimous arch of pelvic fascia

n.全盆腔清除術 - total pelvic cleaning

n.全盆腔臟器除去術 - total pelvic exenteration

n.入口橫徑 - transverse diameter of pelvic inlet

n.骨盆出下口橫徑 - transverse diameter of pelvic outlet

n.盆腔器官結核 - tuberculosis of pelvic organs

n.盆腔腹膜結核 - tuberculosis of pelvic peritoneum

n.骨盆擴大平面 - wide pelvic plane

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