





Like the beat beat beat of the tom-tom 像擊敗擊敗擊敗了大鼓;beat frequency oscillator beat oscillator 拍頻振蕩器;beat frequency oscillator beat oscillator 拍頻振蕩器;Accented Beat 重拍;Off-Beat Accenting 在一般節拍之前或之後才去打拍子;


1.In addition, the second beat and beat the combination of the three mixed-generated and only the strong beat the weak shot did not make a racket and so on. 另外,還有二拍子與三拍子的結合產生的混合拍子及只有強拍沒有弱拍的一拍子等等。

2.Badmin was able to beat Bill at billiards, but Bill always beat Badmin badly at badminton. 巴德明在檯球上能夠打敗比爾,但是打羽毛球比爾經常大敗巴德明。

3.I'm going to make friends with the Yankee carpetbaggers now and I'll beat them at their own game, and you'll beat them with me. 我會和那些北佬投機家們交朋友的,我會運用他們自己制定的遊戲規則來擊敗他們,你要和我一起來擊敗他們。 beat or connive at others to beat a prisoner; 毆打或者縱容他人毆打罪犯;

5.Use eggbeater to beat cream butter and sugar till puffy and milky, add egg gradually and beat until smooth; 牛油加糖後以打蛋器打至輕軟及變白,然後把雞蛋逐一加入拌至完全混合;


I wish I could beat this summer heat. - 我真受不了夏日的酷暑。

Don't beat around the bush. - 別兜圈子了。

Our team beat yours last match. - 上一場比賽中,我們隊打敗了你們。

Don't beat around the bush. - 別拐彎抹角了。

Tell me truth, don't beat around the bush. - 實話告訴我,別兜圈子。

Our team beat their team yesterday. - 昨天,我們隊打敗了他們隊。

I told you, my mom could beat your pop. - 告訴你,我媽要把你爸揍一頓。

A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone. - 骨頭打狗狗不叫。

A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with. - 欲加之罪,何患無辭。

He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick. - 有心打狗好找棍;欲加之罪,何患無辭。

He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick. - 欲加之罪,何患無辭。

Walking up and down the stairs would beat any exercise machine. - 上下樓梯可比什麼健身器都要好。

It was not until his third match in 1790 that he finally beat Humphries and became Champion of England. - 直到1790年他們第3次對壘,門多薩才終於擊敗漢弗萊斯,成了全英拳擊冠軍。

He was glad to get away with a mere twenty pounds and he beat a hasty retreat, clutching the precious bottle under his arm. - 他慶幸自己只破費了20英鎊便得以脫身。他把那寶貴的瓶子放在腋下夾著,溜之大吉。

They sting or bite without provocation; they fly uninvited into our rooms on summer nights, or beat ageist our lighted windows. - 它們無緣無故地又叮又咬;夏天的晚上,它們未經邀請便飛到我們房間裡,或者對著露出亮光的窗戶亂撲亂撞。

Jack was an excellent tennis player. He was able to beat anybody. - 竭克是個網球健將。他天下無敵。

But your team is even stronger. I knew you would beat them because you had played so well in the league. - 可是你們的隊更強。我知道你們會打敗他們的,因為你們在聯賽中戰績很好。

After they carved the characters on rocks, they put a piece of wet paper on top of the characters and beat it lightly. - 他們把字刻在石塊上後,再把一張潮濕的紙放在字的上面,並輕輕地拍打。


doppler ultrasound fetal beat detector; ultrasonic fetal heart beat detector - 多普勒胎心檢測儀

beat frequency - 差頻

beat effect - 差頻效應

n. beat affected zone - 捶打損傷區

n. beat up - 掉搶

n. beat treatment cycle curve - 熱處理循環曲線

n. beat cycle - 脈動週期

n. beat treatment cycle curve - 脈動處理週期曲線

beat of knee joint - 膝蜂窩織炎

frog heart beat curve - 蛙心活動曲線

ultrasonic fetal heart beat detector - 超聲胎兒心搏探測裝置

n. beat up - 逆風「之」字航行

escape beat rhythm - 逸搏心律


n.心尖搏動 - apex beat

n.房性期外收縮 - atrial pre-mature beat

心房期外收縮,心房期前收縮 - atrial premature beat

n.雙向性室性過早搏動 - bidirectional ventricular premature beat

雙耳博動 - binaural beat

心臟博動 - cardiac beat

n.二聯搏動 - coupled beat

n.多普勒胎心檢測儀 - doppler ultrasound fetal beat detector

n.結代 - drop beat

n.脫漏搏動 - dropped beat

間歇脈,脈搏缺失 - dropped beat pulse

n.異位搏動,異位收縮 - ectopic beat

n.逸搏 - escape beat

n.逸搏心律 - escape beat rhythm

n.脫逸搏動 - escaped beat

胎音,胎兒心音 - fetal heart beat

n.蛙心活動曲線 - frog heart beat curve

n.功能性早搏 - functional premature beat

融合收縮,融合搏動 - fusion beat

n.心搏,心臟搏動 - heart beat

心跳反常 - heart beat abnormality

心常指數 - heart beat index

異位搏動 - heterotopic beat

n.插進性過早搏動 - interpolated premature beat

n.乍疏乍數 - irregularity in sequence of pulse beat

n.交接處過早搏動,交界性期前收縮 - junctional premature beat

n.交界性逸搏 - junctional escape beat

n.脫漏搏動,脫逸搏動 - missed beat

n.多發性心室過早收縮 - multiple ventricular premature beat

節性過早收縮,結性期外收縮 - nodal premature beat

正位性搏動 - nomotopic beat

n.偶發早搏 - occasional premature beat

n.心前區搏動 - precordial beat

n.過早搏動,過早收縮 - premature beat

交互搏動 - reciprocal beat

交互搏動 - reciprocating beat

n.逆行搏動 - retrogrde beat

n.自發搏動 - spontaneous beat

n.交感過早搏動 - sympathetic premature beat

n.收縮期搏動 - systolic beat

n.超聲胎兒心搏探測裝置,多普勒胎心檢測儀 - ultrasonic fetal heart beat detector

心室收縮脫落 - ventricular dropped beat

n.室性異位搏動 - ventricular ectopic beat

n.室性融合波,心室融合波 - ventricular fusion beat

n.室性期外收縮,室性早搏 - ventricular premature beat

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