





abatement claim 減價要求;請求裁減;要求減價;adjudicate a claim 裁決一起索賠案;判決;Sentences for Letters to Adjure a Claim 理賠函常用句;adverse claim 不利訴求;對申請的重新調整;abatement claim 減價要求;請求裁減;要求減價;


1.and the eminent autobiographer may each claim to be serving the cause of truth. There's the rub, for it is a claim that can be neither wholly admitted nor wholly dismissed. 偶爾出現的匿名洩密者和顯赫的自傳作家可能都自稱從事誠實的事業,這就是問題所在,因為這既不可能完全接受,也不可能完全否認。

2.If you should have a claim, you are the insured and the insurance company who issued the policy has a vested interest in handling the claim promptly and fairly. 如果你應該有一個人,你是投保人與保險的公司是誰簽發的政策有既得利益在處理索賠迅速和公正的。

3.The time period, beginning with the first week of a claim, during which a claimant may draw out unemployment insurance benefits due based on a claim. 自申領人提出失業保險索賠的第一周開始的保險金申領時間期,在此期間,申領人可以根據保險索賠領取應得的失業保險金。

4.Any Counter Claim the Respondent has against the Claimant in accord with Arbitration Rules, including the Counter Claim filing fee. 根據仲裁規則提出的仲裁反請求,同時繳納反請求仲裁費。

5.At last this paper has established the construction claim decision support system on the base of theory of construction claim decision elementarily and programmed to realize basic function. 最後在施工索賠決策理論的基礎上初步建立了施工索賠決策支持系統,並編製程序實現了基本的功能。


Is this where I claim parcels? - 這裡是領包裹的地方嗎?

Do I claim parcels here? - 我在這裡領包裹嗎?

I'm not quite familiar with the claim and arbitration in international trade. - 我對國際貿易的索賠與仲裁不夠熟悉。

If the problem is in the goods itself, you may make a claim on the supplier. - 如果問題在貨物本身,你可以向供貨方提出索賠。

we're prepared to meet your claim for the loss according to the contract. - 我們準備按合同賠償貴方的損失。

If the owners don't claim the dog in forty-eight hours, - 如果狗的主人在四十八小時內不認領,

If no one comes to claim Gemma, - 如果沒有人來認領Gemma,

If the real owners don't come to claim Gemma ... - 如果狗的主人沒認領Gemma……

Maybe the real owners will come to claim her. - 也許狗的主人會來認領她的。

Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea. - 漁夫和水手們有時聲稱自己看到過海裡的妖怪。

It is not uncommon to hear that a shipping company has made a claim for cost of salvaging a sunken ship. - 航運公司為打撈沉船而提出索賠,這是常有的事,

But the claim made by a local authority to recover the cost of salvaging a sunken pie dish must surely be unique. - 但某地當局為打撈一隻焙制餡餅的盤子提出索賠,倒是件新鮮的事兒。

Chickens slaughtered in the United States, claim officials in Brussels, are not fit to grace European tables. - 布魯塞爾的官員說,在美國屠宰的雞不適於用來裝點歐洲的餐桌。

We'll start a claim with the shipping company. - 我們會向貨運公司著手申請賠償的。

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