a. hypertonic ,isosmotic ,isotonic
hypotonic[,haipəu'tɔnik]adj. [醫]低滲的;張力減退的
hypotonic 低張的;低滲的;低滲;低滲壓的;hypotonic hypoxia 低張性缺氧;hypotonic duodenography 低張力十二指腸造影術;低張十二指腸造影;hypotonic type 低張型;Hypotonic disorder 釋義:低張性紊亂;
1.Results Hypotonic ORS could greatly decrease the times of diarrhea and could shorten the pathogenesis of diarrhea of children. 結果低滲口服補液鹽能顯著減少小兒腹瀉次數,縮短小兒腹瀉病程。
2.Objective To investigate the clinical effect and value of hypotonic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemohyperthermia(HIPCH) in advanced gastric cancer. 目的探討術中腹腔低滲溫熱灌注化療對胃癌患者術後的臨床療效。
3.Methods A total of 57 patients with established diagnosis of gastric cancer were evaluated with triphasic spiral CT with water filling method and hypotonic agent. 方法本組對57例胃癌行低張水充盈螺旋CT三期增強掃瞄,並與手術病理對照。
hypotonic duodenography - 低張力十二指腸造影術
hypotonic infant - 低張力性小兒
hypotonic hypoxemia - 低張性低氧血症
hypotonic metratonia; hypotonic uterine intertia - 低張性宮縮乏力
hypoosmotic solution; hypotonic solution - 低張溶液
hypotonic state - 低張狀態
hypotonic oliguria - 低滲性少尿
hypotonic contraction - 低滲性收縮
hypoosmotic dehydration; hypotonic dehydration - 低滲性脫水
hypoosmotic solution; hypotonic solution - 低滲溶液
hypotonic expansion - 低滲膨脹
hypotonic duodenography - 十二指腸低張造影