apostolate[ə'pɔstəleit]n. 使徒的地位;羅馬教皇的職位;倡導地位
apostolate 使徒的地位;宗徒工作;使徒事業;宗徒事業;lay apostolate 教友傳教:在俗教友使徒工作。;Apostolate through books 刻書傳道;The World Apostolate of Fatima 由法蒂瑪普世使徒事工協會;International Movement for the Apostolate of Children 國際兒童使徒運動(兒童使徒運動);
1.Fr. Henry Cabral, SVD –from the Philippines. Ordained Priest in 200
2. Previously worked as Chaplain for the Diocesan Filipino Apostolate. 夏行信神父─來自菲律賓,2002年晉鐸,曾為教區菲藉人士福傳小組特派司鐸。
2.For us, "family", then, is above all a charismatic experience before it becomes a mission field, a lived experience before being an apostolate. 對於我們來說,「家庭」尤其是神恩經驗先於作為福傳地方,是生活體驗先於作為使徒的工作。
3.The heart of the apostolate of every pro-life worker should be a weekly Eucharistic holy hour dedicated specifically to the end of contraception, abortion and euthanasia throughout the world. 每一個支持生命工作者的使徒事業的心靈,應該是每週朝拜聖體守聖時,特別為了終止整個世界的避孕、墮胎和安樂死行為。