Masoreticadj. 馬所拉的(聖經抄本)
Masoretic 素列;舊約;Masoretic text 厥後的馬索拉版本;馬所拉抄本;馬所拉經文;馬所拉本;The Masoretic Text 拉版本;
1.The reassuring news for Jews is that the scrolls, comprising versions of the Hebrew scriptures in use about 2, 000 years ago, are mostly pretty close to the later Masoretic version. 讓猶太教徒安心的消息是這些古卷包含了大約兩千年前人們所用的不同版本的希伯來語聖經,而這些版本和後來的馬所拉本聖經大體上相當接近。
2.Biblical analysis of the Masoretic text of the ages of the Patriarchs when their sons were born shows only 1, 656 years passed from the Creation to Adam's Fall until the Deluge and Shem's fatherhood. 一項父權制時代(猶太教)馬所拉學士文本聖經分析,那時他們的兒子出生僅展現了1,656年就傳遞到創造亞當的出生直到大洪水和閃的父權時代。