





n. blood transfusion


transfusion[træns'fju:ʒən, trænz-, trɑ:n-]n. [醫]輸血;輸液;傾注;灌輸


transfusion 輸血;輸液(法),輸血(法);輸液;注入;Transfusion set 輸血包;輸血器具;輸血器;indirect transfusion 間接輸血;釋義:間接輸血;transfusion apparatus 輸血器;釋義:輸血器,輸液器;transfusion rtocar 輸血套針;


1.Objective To understand the health knowledge demands of the transfusion outpatients. 目的瞭解門診輸液患者對健康知識的需求。

2.Avoid unsafe injection or blood transfusion to prevention blood transmission of HIV. 避免不安全注射或輸血,預防艾滋病經血傳播。

3.Method: The pharmacist was invited to consult a "transfusion response", which was analyzed comprehensively, the cause of the "transfusion response" was seeked. 方法:藥師應邀會診一例臨床發生的「輸液反應」,對其進行綜合分析,找出發生「輸液反應」的原因。


twin to twin transfusion syndrome - 雙生兒輸血綜合征

feto-maternal transfusion syndrome - 母兒間輸血綜合征

hemolytic transfusion reaction - 溶血性輸血反應

fimplified transfusion outfit - 簡易輸血器

feto-maternal transfusion syndrome - 胎兒-母親間輸血綜合征

fetal tranfusion syndrome; placental transfusion syndrome - 胎兒輸血綜合征

feto-fetal transfusion syndrome - 胎兒間輸血綜合征

transfusion tissue - 轉輸組織

transfusion system - 輸液器

institute of blood transfusion and hematology - 輸血及血液學研究所

transfusion reaction - 輸血反應

post transfusion hepatic hemosiderosis - 輸血後肝鐵質沉著病

blood transfusion set - 輸血器械

transfusion cannula - 輸血套管

transfusion malaria - 輸血性瘧疾

transfusion hepatitis - 輸血性肝炎

transfusion filtering dropper - 輸血過濾滴管

incompatible hemolytic blood transfusion disease - 配伍禁忌性溶血性輸血疾病


n.輸血時空氣栓塞 - air embolism in transfusion

自己輸血 - autologous blood transfusion

自體輸血,自血 - autologous transfusion

血液成份輸出,組分輸血 - blood component transfusion

n.輸血 - blood transfusion

輸血反應 - blood transfusion reaction

n.輸血器械 - blood transfusion set

n.骨髓輸血法 - bone marrow transfusion

n.輸血併發症 - complications of blood transfusion

組分輸血 - component transfusion

n.直接輸血 - direct transfusion

n.滴注輸液 - drip transfusion

換血療法 - exchange blood transfusion

n.交換輸血 - exchange transfusion

n.胎兒間輸血綜合征 - feto-fetal transfusion syndrome

n.母兒間輸血綜合征,胎兒-母親間輸血綜合征 - feto-maternal transfusion syndrome

n.簡易輸血器 - fimplified transfusion outfit

粒細胞輸血 - granulocyte transfusion

n.溶血性輸血反應 - hemolytic transfusion reaction

n.直接輸血 - immediate transfusion

異型血輸血,血型不一致的輸血 - incompatible blood transfusion

n.配伍禁忌性溶血性輸血疾病 - incompatible hemolytic blood transfusion disease

n.不合輸血 - incompatible transfusion

n.間接輸血法 - indirect transfusion

n.輸血及血液學研究所 - institute of blood transfusion and hematology

n.靜脈輸血,靜脈輸液 - intravenous transfusion

n.術中輸血 - intraoperative blood transfusion

n.術中輸液 - intraoperative transfusion

子宮內輸血 - intrauterine blood transfusion

子宮內胎兒輸血 - intrauterine fetal transfusion

n.輸血膠管 - latex tube for blood transfusion

白細胞輸血 - leukocyte transfusion

n.大量輸血 - massiye transfusion

n.輸血方法 - method of transfusion

外部血壓測定法 - peripheral intravenous nutrious transfusion

腹腔內輸液,腹腔內輸血 - peritoneal transfusion

n.胎兒輸血綜合征 - placental transfusion syndrome

血小板輸血 - platelet transfusion

n.輸血後肝鐵質沉著病 - post transfusion hepatic hemosiderosis

n.大量快速輸血 - rapid massive transfusion

相互輸出 - reciprocal transfusion

換血療法 - replacement transfusion

n.輸血途徑 - route of transfusion

自輸血 - self-blood transfusion

n.輸液架 - stand for transfusion

胸骨內輸血 - sternal transfusion

n.皮下輸液 - subcutaneous transfusion

換血療法 - substitution transfusion

血小板輸血,血小板轉輸 - thrombocyte transfusion

n.輸液管 - tube for transfusion

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