Brahmaputra Grand Hotel Lhasa - Lhasa 拉薩雅魯藏布大酒店,;拉薩雅魯藏布大酒店;the fabled city of Lhasa lay before the Pundit 傳奇拉薩浮現在他眼前;lhasa fish 拉薩魚;拉薩 魚;lhasa kitchen 拉旦廚房;拉薩廚房;the fabled city of Lhasa lay before the Pundit 傳奇拉薩浮現在他眼前;
1.Lhasa for acclimatising and sightseeing. I only wanted to stay three days. 一方面是適應一下另一方面也順便觀光一下。我其實只想呆三天。
2.In exile a version of Lhasa dialect is taught in schools and has become the common, standardized language of the diaspora. 在流亡地區,學校教授的是拉薩方言的一種版本,這種方言已成為這一僑區共同的、標準化的語言。
3."We're standing here in the middle of Lhasa and the place has just [expletive] exploded, " Smith narrated during the rioting. 「我們就站在這兒,拉薩市中心,這兒剛剛<粗口>爆炸過」史密斯在暴亂過程中邊拍攝邊解說。
4.Helmeted troops bearing rifles patrol Lhasa, the Tibetan capital. 頭戴鋼盔,手拿步槍的軍隊在拉薩(西藏的首都)巡邏。
5.The violence was fuelled by rumours of killings, beatings and detention of Buddhist monks by security forces in Lhasa this week. 這次暴力事件被一些謠言煽動--謊稱當局在這周殺害,毆打和拘留了拉薩的一些佛教徒。