pratan. 草甸植被;草本植被;草叢
Prata 普拉塔;草甸植被;印度煎餅;白銀;Prata Ornamental 幻彩巴拉麻;roti prata 印度煎餅;印度拉餅;印度拋餅;印度飛餅;Poti Prata 印度煎餅;Stephen Prata 普拉塔;
1.The content of this page is from the PRATA port or PRATA customs import and export company directory; 本頁面內容主要是來自PRATA港口或PRATA海關的進出口公司目錄;
2.ymliew: Are the questions posed to Maggie just the chicken rice and roti prata types or have more intellectual questions being screened off. 發給瑪姬的問題只是雞飯和印度拉餅之類的問題嗎,還是有更理智的問題被篩掉了。
3.The vertical distribution regularity is as follows: aquatic vegetation → moor vegetation → swampy prata vegetation → subalpine meadow → subalpine shrub from the center of lake to the hilltop. 從湖心至丘頂的垂直分佈規律表現為水生植被→沼澤植被→沼澤化草甸→亞高山草甸→亞高山灌叢。