





r. secondlyn. bit ,instant ,s ,second basea. 2d ,2ndv. back ,endorse ,indorse


a. first


second['sekənd]n. 秒;第二名;瞬間;二等品vt. 支持adj. 第二的;次要的;附加的num. 第二adv. 第二;其次;居第二位


second 第二;第二攀登者;秒、第二;次的;second base 二壘;一壘;一壘手;三壘手;second sight 超人的預見力;重見光明;超人的視力; 重見光明;second check 復盤覆核人;復盤覆核;復盤覆核人 本文章來自:博研聯盟論壇;second language 第二語言;第二語言;第二語文;第二語;


1.When he joined in the boxing I used to second him. 在他參加拳擊比賽期間,我一直是他的拳擊指導。

2.Now my second wife laughs at me. 現在,我的第二個妻子嘲笑我。

3.The second scan revealed a brain tumor. 第二次掃瞄顯示出一個腦瘤。


What's your second language in addition to Chinese? - 除了漢語以外,你的第二語言是什麼?

are going to spend a second honeymoon at the Watermill Inn. - 將到Watermill Inn去度第二次蜜月。

If my wife takes a second job and leaves the kids in day care, we should be able to get the loan for a two storey place. - 如果我的妻子做兩份工,把孩子送去全托,我們就可以貸款買一棟兩層的房子了。

Kind of a second honeymoon. - 類似二度蜜月的假期。

You've been like a second family to me. - 你們就像我的第二個家一樣。

As far as English is concerned, he is second to none. - 就英語來說,沒有人能夠比得上他。

Good idea, Jack. What do you think about the second part? - 好主意,傑克,你對第二部分有什麼看法?

This is my second trip to the United States, and I really enjoy staying here. - 這是我第二次美國之行,我很喜歡這裡。

Just a second and I'll check the schedule. - 請等一等,我來查一下時刻表。

Custom is a second nature. - 習慣是第二天性。

Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks. - 到第2排紅綠燈處往左拐,然後一直往前走,過兩個街區。

The restaurant is on the second floor. - 那餐廳在二樓。

This is my second year of college, I'm a sophomore. - 這是我上大學的第二年,我是二年級學生。

A friend is a second self. - 朋友是另一個我。

Habit is a second nature. - 習慣成自然。

Habit is second nature. - 習慣成自然。

Use is a second nature. - 習慣成自然。

His engine failed and he landed on the sea for the second time. - 這次他又遭厄運,因引擎故障第二次降落在海面上。

Mendoza met Humphries in the ring on a later occasion and he lost for a second time. - 後來,門多薩與漢弗萊斯再次在拳擊場上較量,門多薩又輸了一場。

He had been obliged to join the army during the Second World War. - 年齡比他兩個弟弟大很多,第二次世界大戰期間被迫參軍。

There is so much variety that you never have to make do with second best. - 物品種繁多,從來不必用二等品來湊合。

The second factor is more interesting and more fundamental. - 第二點更有意思,也更重要。

Audiences in the second decade of the twentieth century found it pleasant to escape to a time when life, though hard, was relatively simple.We still do; - 生活在20世紀20年代的觀眾認為,逃到一個即使艱苦但比較簡樸的時代中去是件愉快的事,我們今天仍有這種感覺。

it takes much less energy to accelerate to that 1.5 miles per second than it does on Earth. - 在月球上加速到每秒1。5英里比在地球上所用能源要少得多。

will move decisively from the second phase to the third, - 就可以明確地從第2階段進入第3階段。

do in fact run out of energy in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics (whether the whole universe does so is a moot point at present). - 也都會消耗完其能量(整個宇宙是否如此,目前尚有爭論)。

The second marks the arrival of transverse vibrations which travel more slowly and arrive several minutes after the first. - 然後記錄下的是橫向波的到達,橫向波比縱向波傳播得慢,在縱向波到達幾分鐘後才能到達。

(A light year is the distance which light travels at 186,000 miles per second in one year, - 一光年是光以每秒186,000英里的速度在一年內走的距離,

But Fortune's favoured children belong to the second class. - 但是,命運之神的寵兒是第二類人,

It was j-223,just double the second item. - j-223第二項的訂量要加倍。

Yes. Go along this road, and take the first turning on the left, and the second turning on the right. - 有。沿這條路往前走,然後在第一個拐角處向左轉,接著在第二個拐角處向右轉。

First left, and second right. Thank you! - 先在第一個拐角向左拐,然後在第二個拐角向右拐。謝謝你!

Go along this street, and take the second turing on the right. - 沿這條街往前走,在第2路口向右拐。

Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights. Turn right. - 順這條街往前走,直到第2個紅綠燈處。往右拐。

Then they had a second child-a son. How happy they were! - 後來他們有了第2個孩子一個兒子。他們多麼高興啊!

At the end of the second lap. - 在第二圈結束時。

So he took off the second shoe and put it under his bed very quietly. - 他脫下第二隻鞋子,輕輕地放在床下邊。

Yes. Go along Zhongshan Road, and turn right at the second crossing. Go across the bridge. - 可以。沿著中山路走,在第二個十字路口處進右拐彎。過橋後。

During a second trip to the USA in 1912. - 在1912年第二次赴美期間。

As early as his second film, Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting. - 早在他的第二部電影,卓別林就形成了他自己的表演風格。


maxillary second molar; upper second molar - 上頜第二磨牙

lower second molar; mandibular second molar - 下頜第二磨牙

second trial - 中關

second degree a-v block - 二度房室傳導阻滯

healing by second intention - 二期癒合

secondset reaction; n. the second order reaction - 二次反應

reaction of the second order; reactionofthesecondorder; second-order reaction - 二級反應

second order transition - 二級轉變

first thoracic vertebra; second thoracic vertebra - 余類推

second setrejection - 再次排斥反應

second molar; twelfty-year molar - 十二歲磨牙

second exploratory operation in ovarian cancer - 卵巢癌二次探查術

bimolecular reaction; dimolecular reaction; reaction of the second order; reactionofthesecondorder - 雙分子反應

second wind - 喘氣後恢復正常的呼吸

female second sex characters - 女性第二性徵

second trimester of pregnancy - 妊娠中三個月

second trimester of pregnancy - 妊娠中期

second areola - 妊娠乳暈

second pain; slow pain - 慢痛

n. second electrogalvanizing plant - 次級電鍍廠

second law of thermodynamics - 熱力學第二定律

first second maximal expiratory volume; forced expiratory volume in one second - 第一秒最大呼氣量

first thoracic vertebra; second thoracic vertebra - 第一胸椎

second cardinal point - 第二主點

second deciduous molar - 第二乳磨牙

expulsive stage; second stage of labor - 第二產程

second generation sporocyst - 第二代包蚴

second generation parameter - 第二代參數

second generation redia - 第二代雷蚴

second messenger - 第二信使

second signal - 第二信號

second signal system - 第二信號系統

second visceral grey matter; substantia grisea visseralis secundaria - 第二內臟灰質

second bicuspid - 第二雙尖牙

second auditosensry area - 第二聽覺區

second peak - 第二峰

second water bearing layer - 第二帶水層

n. the second order reaction - 第二序列反應

second degree atrioventricular block - 第二度房室傳導阻滯

second degree laceration - 第二度裂傷

second heart sound - 第二心音

accentuation of second heart sound - 第二心音亢進

spliting of second heart sound - 第二心音分裂

second permanent molar; twelfth-year molar - 第二恆磨牙

second meiotic division - 第二成熟分裂

healing by second intention - 第二期癒合

oscuneiforme secundum; second cuneiform bone - 第二楔骨

metaphase of second meiosis - 第二次成熟分裂中期

second ionization energy - 第二電離能

second phase reaction - 第二相反應


n.第二心音亢進 - accentuation of second heart sound

次級性經閉 - amenorrhea second grade

每秒心搏出量 - cardiac output per second

每秒心搏量 - cardiac second output

n.補體激活第二通路 - complemented second pathway

n.每秒計數 - conut per second

每秒的計數,每秒計數 - count per second

n.每秒周數 - cycles per second

每秒蛻變,每秒衰變 - disintegration per second

n.每秒衰變 - disintigration per second

n.第二趾背內側神經 - dorsal medial nerve of second toe

n.女性第二性徵 - female second sex characters

n.第一秒最大呼氣量 - first second maximal expiratory volume

1秒內最大呼氣量 - forced expiratory volume in 1 second

n.第一秒用力呼氣量 - forced expiratory volume in first second

n.第一秒呼氣肺活量,第一秒最大呼氣量 - forced expiratory volume in one second

n.克秒 - gram second

n.第二期癒合,二期癒合 - healing by second intention

n.下頜第二磨牙 - lower second molar

n.下頜第二磨牙 - mandibular second molar

n.上頜第二磨牙 - maxillary second molar

n.第二次成熟分裂中期 - metaphase of second meiosis

n.毫安秒 - milliampere second

n.第二類永動機 - perpetual motion machine of second kind

n.肺動脈第二音 - pulmonic second heart sound

n.二級反應,雙分子反應 - reaction of the second order

n.第二類受體 - receptor of second order

n.每秒鐘轉數 - revolutions per second

n.第二心音分裂 - spliting of second heart sound

n.上頜第二磨牙 - upper second molar

n.每秒振動數 - vibrations per second

n.瓦秒 - watt second

共2頁 上壹頁 1 2 下壹頁