ungaabbr. 聯合國大會(the United Nations General Assembly)
UNGA 聯合國大會;United Nations General Assembly;the United Nations General Assembly;Unga Plaza 運河廣場;UNGA United Nation General Assembly 聯合國大會;UNGA United Nations General Assembly 聯合國大會 UNGA的意思相關詞組;
1.The UNGA session adopted a resolution last year, making 2005 "International Year of Sport". 聯合國大會去年通過決議,將2005年確定為「體育運動國際年」。
2.UNGA UNGA comes onto your mobile, the incredibly addictive ability game. Help our caveman find the ropes and swing up to the top of the hill, but … 一款野人抓粗繩攀登山峰的遊戲,但是需要很小心,如果你沒在正確的時刻跳躍,就會摔到地板上遊戲結束。
3.He is not going there as an opposition MP, but in stead he is representing Malaysia as one of the delegates in the United Nation General Assembly (UNGA). 他出席該大會並不是以反對黨國會議員的身份,而是以馬來西亞國家代表的身份前往參加該聯合國大會(UNGA)。