grav[ɡræv]n. 格拉夫(加速度單位,等於自由落體加速度,即9.80665米/平方秒,略作G)
grav 重的;礫石;新增的三個空間扭曲重力系統;輕重力;grav- 表示 重;Falcon Grav Tank 獵鷹重力坦克;Grav Platform - Brightlance 重力平台-光束長槍;重力平台 - 光束長槍;Fire Prism Grav Tank 焰晶坦克;
1.An oil furnace heats our school her grav-and put flowers on it. 我們探望她的墳墓,並放一些花在上頭。
2.It is known that there are many factors affecting the compaction effect of grav el composite piles, especially in silt ground. 由於各種因素的影響,碎石樁處理液化粉土地基的擠密效果與設計計算結果在某些情況下會有較大的差別。
3.He couldn't help but be reminded of Tiresia's anti grav spheres, and he began to question if there wasn't some mysterious connection here. 他不禁想起了泰雷西亞的反重力球,這讓他開始懷疑兩者之間是不是有著某些神秘的聯繫。