divestment or liquidation 收回投資或清算;a liquidation sale 清倉拍賣;a liquidation sale a rummage sale 清倉拍賣;compulsory liquidation 強制清盤;強制清算;強制破產清算;強制破產清算,強制清算,強制性清理;enforced liquidation 強制性清算;強制性清理;強制破產清算,強制清算,強制性清理;
1.If a pawnshop is declared bankrupt due to its failure to repay its debts, a liquidation group shall be formed according to law to carry out a liquidation. 典當行因不能清償到期債務,被依法宣告破產的,應當依法成立清算組,進行破產清算。
2.Company dissolution is the reason and beginning of a company liquidation, and also is the prefixion procedure which the company criticizes, company liquidation is the result of a company dissolution. 公司解散是公司清算的原因和起點,也是公司清算的前置性程序,公司清算是公司解散的結果。
3.Liberal opinion regarded them as archaisms of the Cold War which, they argued, was in the process of liquidation . 自由派輿論認為這些限制都是冷戰的遺風,他們認為冷戰已在消失的過程中。
4.The sale, liquidation , or spinoff of a corporate division or subsidiary. 公司部門或子公司的出售、清算或資產分派。
5.This means that minority shareholders must agree to a sale or liquidation of a company. 這意味著少數股股東必須贊成公司的出售或清算。